Two Israeli spies captured by Palestinian group calling itself ‘Freedom’

Two Israelis, said to be spies, have been captured by a previously unknown Palestinian group called Hurriyeh (Freedom), in a shocking development which Israel has yet to comment on.

In a newly released documentary about Israeli abuses carried out against Palestinian political prisoners, by Tamer al-Mishal for Al-Jazeera Arabic, it was revealed on Friday night that 2 Israelis had been captured. The group responsible is calling itself Hurriyeh (Freedom) and filmed videos of the two Israelis who are said to still be in their custody.

The group did not say exactly where, or when, the Israelis were captured, but did say that they were both captured as part of two separate operations, and that it happened outside of Palestine-Israel. The two Israelis are David Ben-Rosey, said to be a petroleum-chemical expert, and David Perey, said to be an intelligence officer and part of a settler organisation; the ‘Freedom’ group claims they were both working for Mossad.

In the videos, broadcasted on Al-Jazeera Arabic, the two Israelis are shown in the custody of armed men and are shackled. The man identified as David Ben-Rosey is shown in one of the videos saying “we seek help”, going on to say,

“you see our condition, we are in a terrible situation, my friend Mr. Perey is in a terrible situation of the health, he is sick! We have nothing to do here, please, we need help”.

It is still unclear what the group is specifically requesting for the release of these two alleged Israeli spies, but it seems at this point as if pressure will be applied in order to secure a prisoner exchange deal between Hamas and Israel.

In September of 2020, a page on Facebook entitled ‘Freedom Movement’ had published statements and low quality videos claiming to have two Israeli Mossad agents in their custody. At the time, there was much speculation from Palestinians that the group may be looking for attention and many even suspected that the claims were simply made up.

What is perhaps most shocking at this point, is that Israel has neither confirmed nor denied the reports. Israel has instead remained completely silent on the issue. But according to what was shown in the Al-Jazeera documentary, it seems to confirm that there are indeed two Israelis in the custody of the group. Unless for some reason this is all made up, with actors, but given that al-Jazeera has run the piece and all the Palestinian armed groups in Gaza have commented, it seems that this is unlikely to be the case.

If two Israeli Mossad agents have been captured, this proves that Israel has again covered up a serious incident with its agents and has hidden this information from its public. Also, if Israel seeks the release of these two, shown as part of the al-Jazeera documentary, this may mean making more concessions as part of a prisoner-swap deal with Hamas.

Palestinian political and armed groups have come out to support the capture of the Israeli agents, including the Palestinian al-Ahrar Movement, which released a statement saying:

“The revelation of the kidnapping of two Zionist officers is a new development that gives hope to the prisoners, and the disclosure of this information is a severe blow to the occupation leaders who were unable to obtain any information about them, instead they lied and mislead their people.”

To make things worse for Israel, Hamas’ ‘Prisoners, Martyrs and Wounded Office’ head, Zaher Jabarin, delivered a speech in which he stated that his political Party was preparing legal documents to present to Human Rights Organisations, which reveal new evidence of Israeli human rights abuses inside their prisons.


By Robert Inlakesh

Robert Inlakesh is a documentary filmmaker, journalist, writer, Middle-East analyst & news correspondent for The Last American Vagabond.

(Source:; November 6, 2021;
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