Science and medicine discoveries of 2019

Humans have been thrilled and astounded by scientific and medical discoveries for centuries. And, despite the astonishing number of discoveries made down through the years, there is somehow always more to learn.

Here at Natural News we strive, as many members of the Independent Media do, to share the whole truth about the latest scientific and medical breakthroughs with our readers – even when that truth does not harmonize with what the mainstream media, scientific “experts,” and global healthcare organizations want us to believe.

Let’s take a look at 10 of the most important medical and scientific stories we broke this year:

The country with the world’s healthiest children doesn’t mandate vaccines

Those of us who have chosen not to vaccinate our children are regularly made to feel guilty when we read about global epidemics being blamed on unvaccinated kids. These parents can rest assured, however, knowing that Japan – the country with the healthiest children in the world, along with the highest “healthy life expectancy” – has the lowest vaccination rates of any country on the planet.

The measles vaccine isn’t just ineffective; it actually spreads the disease

Pretty much every medical professional out there – including your family doctor – would have you believe that the measles vaccine provides an ironclad guarantee that your family will not contract the disease. The facts prove, however, that nothing could be further from the truth. Research has conclusively confirmed that despite being vaccinated, individuals involved in the 2011 New York measles outbreak were still contracting and spreading measles to others – including other people who had already been vaccinated.

Amazing new material: Lighter than titanium, but five times stronger

Turkish inventors have developed a material they are referring to as “metal-wood.” This building material is five times stronger than titanium and four times stronger than bulk nickel plating, while being lighter than titanium, and still offering enough stability to be useful in a host of manufacturing applications.

5G might be super fast, but it’s anything but super safe

Service providers promise that 5G will facilitate downloads at up to 100 times greater speeds than 4G technology, and that it will enable networks to handle multiple high-demand applications at the same time. But is all that speed worth the massive health risks involved? The radiation emitted by 5G penetrates skin more aggressively than any other radiation from electronic items. It will also utilize microwaves at frequencies never before tested on humans, and the way in which it operates, using multiple small cellular transmitters, means it will unleash high frequency microwaves at never-before-experienced levels.

A science-backed way to lose weight

The 16:8 intermittent fasting (IF) diet has taken the world by storm. Although there are different ways to practice IF, the 16:8 model involves eating as you normally would every day, but doing so within a very specific eight-hour window, such as between 11am and 7pm. Like other forms of intermittent fasting, the 16:8 provides amazing weight loss benefits, but is way easier to cope with and stick to long-term.

The secret to fighting the signs of aging

Aging and damage from exposure to ultraviolet light decrease levels of a collagen protein called collagen 17 in the skin. Healthy stem cells work together to expel damaged cells, but when damaged cells outnumber the healthy ones the skin is unable to rejuvenate itself or effectively heal wounds. Japanese researchers found that the compounds Y27632 and apocynin found in Canadian hemp may help in this regard by increasing collagen 17 levels, helping the skin to restore itself and fighting the ravages of time.

Oil eating microbes destroying sunken Nazi sub

After the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil disaster, tens of thousands of gallons of an oil-eating product called Corexit were dumped into the ocean. Now, researchers have found that this nasty chemical concoction is still floating around in the ocean, and its by-product is so corrosive that it is actually eating away at a German U-boat sunk during World War II.

Yet more proof that curcumin, found in turmeric, can fight cancer

Curcumin, a polyphenol derived from the spice turmeric, is a well-known superfood, offering a myriad of health benefits, including boosting brain power, reducing arthritis symptoms, and warding off depression. Now, a groundbreaking study published in the journal Anticancer Research has revealed that curcumin can selectively target and destroy the stem cells that cause cancer malignancy – without destroying healthy cells in the process.

Breakthrough technology allows researchers to control magnetism, improve low-power technologies

A typical memory chip requires a constant supply of electrical power, or the silicon material will revert to its base state, erasing important data. Researchers from MIT and the Brookhaven National Laboratory recently announced that they have figured out how to alter the magnetic properties of very thin materials like microchips, using very little electricity. The researchers believe that spintronics could push computer chips past their physical plateau. Instead of using electrical charge, a spintronic device relies on the “spin” property of electrons to maintain its magnetic properties.

New exoplanet, twice the size of Earth, discovered with the help of citizen researchers

Data mined from the deactivated Kepler space telescope has led to the discovery of an exoplanet known as K2-288Bb, which is likely to share the same equilibrium temperature as the Earth. Scientists were particularly excited by the involvement of citizen researchers in this important discovery.

Our world is an amazing place and we are surrounded by opportunities for discovery. Watch this space to stay abreast of all the latest scientific and medical discoveries.

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By Tracey Watson / Freelance journalist
(Source:; December 11, 2019;
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