[Photo: Jack Finnigan/Unsplash] [Photo: Jack Finnigan/Unsplash]

Raleigh police are asking Google to provide user data

... for all people near crime scenes

Police in Raleigh, North Carolina, have presented Google with warrants to obtain data from mobile phones from not just specific suspects who were in a crime scene area, but from the mobile phones of all people in the area, reports Raleigh television affiliate WRAL. The request will trouble Fourth Amendment advocates as it could be seen that police are carrying out unreasonable searches on people who just happened to be in the area at the time the crimes were committed. And the area sizes the police requesting the data on are not small. In one instance, police requested user data from Google for anyone within a 17-acre area. For its part, Google has not revealed whether it has complied with the police request.


(Source: fastcompany.com; March 19, 2018; http://tinyurl.com/yaxxxjj7)
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