Monsanto halts brand new pesticde after people broke out in rashes

Monsanto stopped the launch of a new chemical product called NemaStrike designed to be applied to crop seeds to protect them from worms and other bugs on Wednesday after reports indicated that it caused strange rashes on people, Reuters reported.

The company said it conducted three years of tests across the United States in preparation for the product’s full launch and that more than 400 people used it this year as part of a trial but some had skin problems.

“There have been limited cases of skin irritation, including rashes, that appear to be associated with the handling and application of this seed treatment product,” Brian Naber, U.S. commercial operations lead for Monsanto, said in a letter to customers about NemaStrike.

The EPA last year approved the use of a new version of Monsanto’s weed killer using a chemical known as dicamba on crops during last summer.

That product is also under fire by farmers for causing widespread damage to their crops that are not GMOs designed to resist the chemical. Dicamba was even banned in Arkansas by the Plant Board which Monsanto disputed and sued the group for acting outside its authority in prohibiting its herbicide’s use and failing to consider research Monsanto had submitted to federal regulators.

Dicamba is sold under a diversity of names including Banvel, Diablo, Oracle, and Vanquish, and is found in products used for both agricultural and home landscape purposes.

President Donald Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency recently announced it had reached a deal with Monsanto along with BASF and DuPont, which also make dicamba herbicides, for new voluntary restrictions for the weed killer’s use. Under the deal, dicamba products will be labeled as “restricted use” beginning with the 2018 growing season, requiring additional training and certifications for workers applying the product to crops.

Dicamba is considered more toxic than glyphosate, but less toxic than 2,4-D, the third most common broadleaf herbicide. (Monsanto is working on crops that are resistant to 2,4-D, as well.) Yet when used properly, dicamba is considered only mildly toxic to people, pollinators, wildlife, and aquatic organisms. There is no scientific consensus on whether it has cancer-causing properties, though the EPA says “Dicamba is not likely to be a human carcinogen.”

Glyphosate was also listed as a carcinogen on California EPA’s Prop 65 list in July of 2017, while a study published earlier in the year in January of 2017 proved chronic consumption of low levels of Roundup (which contains glyphosate) caused fatty liver disease in animals.

The chemical which was also deemed a “probable human carcinogen” by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer in March 2015, has been recently found in five different brands of orange juice including top brands like Tropicana, which Natural Blaze reported.

Monsanto is facing multiple pronged attacks against its dangerous products finally being exposed for their cancer-causing elements in their chemicals and other health hazards in not one, not two, but three different commodities.


By Aaron Kesel

Aaron Kesel writes for Natural Blaze and Activist Post and is the Director of content for Coinivore. He is an independent journalist and researcher you can also check out more of his work on Steemit. Find Aaron on Twitter

(Source:; November 3, 2017;
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