Media on North Korea: easier to demonize

... than try to understand

U.S. campaigns for regime change characteristically focus on the “madness” of the “dictators” to be toppled. In the case of North Korea, the narrative is spiced by the country’s developing nuclear capabilities — which North Korea views as its main line of defense against . . . regime change.

The media’s demonization of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, especially in the realm of American news, continues a pattern seen in years past. From Iraq to Venezuela, the corporate media’s depiction of inhabitants of foreign territories is meant to remove their autonomy and humanity, and this is exactly what’s happened in the case of North Korea.

As Donald Trump and his administration threaten to wipe out an entire country of 25 million, outlets like CNN unquestioningly publish allegations against North Korea — pushing out a narrative that it poses a threat that should terrify not only the United States but the world.

Despite how often the U.S. has waged war against other countries, the media is now making it seem as though the threat is not an empire that’s used nuclear weapons twice, but North Korea, which has a no first-use policy (NFU) in place. This principle — wherein a nuclear power pledges not to use its nuclear arsenal unless first attacked by an adversary — is not one by which the U.S. abides.

Yet countless articles depict North Korea’s Kim Jong-un as “a madman,” and U.S. politicians routinely characterize Kim as “crazy,” while pundits invade our television screens to openly fantasize about wiping North Korea off the map. As if they were talking about a piece of paper and not 25 million human beings.


By Roqayah Chamseddine
(Source:; October 5, 2017;
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