Letter to Members of the European Parliament re UBI

You can read here a letter and its annex that we, UBI-EI (Unconditional Basic Income – European Initiative), are sending to all MEPs (Member of European Parliaments) in an attempt to steer the current EU – wide conversation about the “Minimum Income” towards a social policy that’s as unconditional as possible.


Germany – Ronald Blaschke; Austria – Klaus Sambor; Spain – Angel Bravo; Spain – Leo del Prado; Latvia – Aija Lasmane; Estonia – Jaanus Nurmoja; Hungary – Evamaria Langer-Dombrady; Italy – Fabio Alemagna; Italy – Michele Gianella; Turkey – Ali Mutlu Köylüoğlu

For the rest of this article please go to source link below.


By Ali Mutlu Köylüoğlu

Ali Mutlu Koyluoglu is the co-founder and coordinator of the “Citizen’s Basic Income - Turkey” (A BIEN affiliate organisation.). Member of UBI-E (Universal Basic Income - Europe) and BIEN (Basic Income Earth Network). The founding chair of “Citizen’s Basic Income Research Development Culture and Dissemination Society” based in İstanbul, Turkey. One of the initiators and facilitator of the “Worldwide Meetings of UBI Advocates and UBI Networks”. An engineer with a PhD degree in Civil and Earthquake Engineering. With an interdisciplinary approach, concentrated to research and development of political content regarding; Universal Basic Income, Alternative Constitutional Models, Inequalities, Public-Related Corruption, Democracy Practice (Obstacles to the Reflection of Free Will, Economical Independency, Tracking and Recording Mechanisms of Political Choice).

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(Source: basicincome.org; September 15, 2022; https://bit.ly/3qFJKHf)
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