Kate’s Story: Former associate of David Hamblin, survivor of ritual abuse in Utah comes forward

A former associate of David Hamblin has come forward to share her story of ritual sexual abuse and what she witnessed while married to Hamblin’s best friend Eldon Talley.

Kate Talley first met David Hamblin in 2008 when her former sister-in-law introduced her to the disgraced former therapist turned wannabe medicine man and accused sexual abuser. Talley was seeking counseling relating to her own experience with ritualistic sexual abuse. When she first met Hamblin she was married to Eldon Talley, a knife maker based in Utah.

Over time, Hamblin came to greatly influence her now former husband. Kate Talley told The Last American Vagabond (TLAV) that Hamblin held his so-called “healing circles” at her and Eldon’s home in American Fork, Utah for several years. Hamblin’s circles are suspected to have played a role in his ongoing sexual abuse, just as he has been accused of using hypnosis during therapy sessions to accomplish his abuse.

“Hamblin is most definitely a cult leader. He’s a very dangerous man. He convinced Eldon that he (Hamblin) is a direct descendant of Jesus Christ.,” Talley stated.

Talley says David Hamblin told her ex-husband that he was also a reincarnation of Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon Church, as well as a reincarnation of Orrin Porter Rockwell, the bodyguard of Smith who was known to have killed many people in the American West.

Talley’s revelations come only days after the Utah County Sheriff’s Office announced the filing of six additional aggravated sexual abuse of a child charges against David Hamblin. The new charges relate to accusations of child abuse in the 1990’s at Hamblin’s home in Spring City, Utah. The UCSO Press Release states:

“The victim disclosed to Detectives that during these sessions Hamblin made the victim masturbate Hamblin. The victim also disclosed that Hamblin forcibly sexually abused the victim. The victim also described that Hamblin administered religious blessings during some of the therapy sessions. The victim described disclosing the abuse, but that the concerns expressed were not taken seriously because of Hamblin’s standing both in the Spring City community and Hamblin’s standing because of his membership in and involvement with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.”

Hamblin was arrested in late September and is still being held without bail in the Utah County Jail on seven other child sexual abuse related charges from a separate case. As we have reported since early June, Hamblin has been under suspicion of involvement in the Utah County Sheriff’s Office investigation into “ritualized child sexual abuse”. This was confirmed with Hamblin’s arrest and subsequent charges. The Utah County Sheriff’s Office has also said there will be additional arrests forthcoming.

With David Hamblin now behind bars and more arrests on the way, Kate Talley is now breaking her silence regarding what she experienced while interacting with Hamblin and her own abuse at the hands of her former husband Eldon Talley. In Part 2 of this investigation Kate Talley will share her story of ritualistic abuse performed by members of her family and members of the Church of Latter-day Saints of Jesus Christ, also known as the Mormon Church.

“I am coming forward now because I feel it’s the ONLY way to end abuse like this,” Kate Talley stated. “Survivors have to talk about the difficult, painful experiences and support one another in order heal and finally lift the veil.”

Healing Circles with a Predator

Kate Talley says she first went to her bishop in the Mormon Church to seek guidance for her memories of ritual abuse. She says her bishop said they would try to help and encouraged her to call the church’s “help line”. Two weeks later she met with the bishop again and was told there was nothing he could do for her.

Ultimately, she decided to leave the church in 2007 as she sought help elsewhere. Shortly after leaving the church, her husband at the time, Eldon Talley, and his sister, would recommend David Hamblin’s “healing circles”. After participating in the circles and witnessing the influence Hamblin had over her then-husband, Kate began to express her concerns to Eldon.

“What Hamblin was doing was mind control and hypnosis,” Kate Talley tells TLAV today. She told Eldon she no longer wanted to participate in Hamblin’s circles. She says Eldon forced her to go to the circles regardless. “At the time it felt like he was choosing his creepy medicine man over his wife,” she says.

When I spoke up to my ex-husband about my true feelings towards Hamblin, Eldon & David began a ‘treatment’ for me called ‘putting my bitch skin in the fire’. It was really horrible,” Talley said. She says this “treatment” involved gaslighting, financial control, silent treatment, and humiliation in front of a group of people at the “healing circle”. Hamblin also forced her to reenact her past traumas to “heal” her with his “righteous seed”.

In 2012, Hamblin was arrested on similar charges to the ones he faces now when his own daughters accused him of sexual abuse. The Utah Daily Herald reported at the time:

“A Provo man was arrested earlier this week on several rape charges stemming from incidents in the 1990s. David Hamblin is being charged with 12 counts of rape of a child, three counts of sodomy of a child, one count of attempted sodomy of a child, all first-degree felonies, and two counts of aggravated sexual abuse of a child, a second-degree felony.

The charges are based on events that reportedly happened between 1991 and 1998.”

Kate Talley would be witness to the first arrest and attend court hearings for David Hamblin relating to accusations of ritualistic child abuse. “I went to all the hearings and there were a group of people who believed David Hamblin was a 100% innocent,” Talley told TLAV.

She says at the time she was still “kind of captive and under Eldon’s control”. She also says that Eldon supported David Hamblin financially through his previous case, sending him money every week while he was in jail. “He might have given him in the hundreds of thousands of dollars by now.”

In 2014, the charges against Hamblin would be dismissed without prejudice, meaning they can be refiled again at some point in the future. However, the current two sets of charges against Hamblin do not directly relate to the 2012 case.

When the case was dismissed, Kate Talley says it was viewed by Hamblin’s supporters as vindication. She remembers Hamblin framing the case as the result of a volatile divorce where his kids were “turned against him”. When questioned about the claims of sex abuse with his patients, Kate Talley says Hamblin admitted to the sexual abuse, but said he had repented for his actions.

“I know David Hamblin is guilty of a few of the things in the witness statements (from the 2012 case), because he told me he was,” Kate Talley told TLAV. “But he admitted to me & Eldon that he ‘used to have very out of balance sexual energy’ and he told me about having sex with his patients when he was a licensed psychologist in Utah. And also before that in New York. He worked at Cornell Medical Center in New York. He left after a big scandal.”

Escaping Hamblin and Eldon Talley

By January 2015, Kate Talley would leave Eldon Talley. “I was finally able to flee with my 2 daughters who were still minors, but, during the divorce I was not believed,” Talley told TLAV. The court would end up granting Eldon and Kate joint custody of their children.

She says as part of the divorce Eldon and her made a verbal agreement to not let David Hamblin be around their children. She came to suspect that Hamblin had been around her kids and because of the accusations against him contacted the Utah Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS). Talley says she spoke with 4 different case workers about the situation. She says they also spoke with her daughters. “One girl called back and said they couldn’t really find anything,” Talley says.

Instead, Talley says that her ex-husband told the DCFS that she was on drugs and had no food in the house for the children. They came to her house and asked her to take a drug test to prove her sobriety. Her test came back clean.

Kate Talley now believes her ex-husband Eldon could be implicated in the ongoing case against David Hamblin. While she says that David Hamblin never abused her, she claims Eldon did, and she says he was coached by Hamblin.

She has shared her story with Utah law enforcement and is now going public for the first time.

“I’ve lived in fear, I’m so over that. I’m so over being controlled by evil and gross people. I’m done,” Kate Talley says with an obvious hint of frustration. “The only way we are going to make the world a better place for everyone is if we speak up.”

Stay tuned for Part 2: Kate’s Story: Survivor of Ritual Abuse


By Derrick Broze / Investigative journalist

Derrick Broze, a staff writer for The Last American Vagabond, is a journalist, author, public speaker, and activist. He is the co-host of Free Thinker Radio on 90.1 Houston, as well as the founder of The Conscious Resistance Network & The Houston Free Thinkers.




(Source: thelastamericanvagabond.com; October 27, 2022; https://bit.ly/3gJuozM)
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