Jacque Fresco dies at 101

An Open Letter from Roxanne Meadows

RE: In Honor of Jacque Fresco (1916 - 2017)

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I have received so many letters over the years saying how much people have been inspired by Jacque Fresco. He helped them to better understand what was going on in the world, but most of all they expressed that he has given them hope by presenting an alternative society that we can all work towards to overcome the disastrous conditions that we face as a species. Therefore, it is very difficult to let you know that Jacque died peacefully on the morning of May 18, 2017 at 101 years of age. There were many close friends with him the last few days of his life. There was no funeral or ceremony held, and his body was donated to science as he requested.

Jacque was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Syndrome in recent years and this made his directorship and participation with The Venus Project more difficult. During this time, I became his full-time caregiver while furthering the work that we have accomplished together over the last 41 years. As the tours and seminars at our Research Center became harder for Jacque, I predominately carried them and will continue to do so. As co-founder of The Venus Project, I will now devote more of my time and energy toward carrying it forward as Jacque and I have always planned. Many others want to help bring this work into fruition and there is a very dedicated group of people who are doing just that.

The Venus Project will go on toward our aims and proposals, and as Jacque and I always say, "if you want a better world you have to work toward it. If you do nothing, nothing will happen". As I see it, we are fortunate to have the lifetime of Jacque Fresco’s work to provide a comprehensive direction to move toward; something that our world is arduously lacking and desperately needs.  So, as always, we need your participation to make it happen.  There’s still lots of work to do! If you have any questions or concerns, contact tvp@thevenusproject.com.

In Extensionality,

Roxanne Meadows 

Since this was posted:

It has been touching to see the outpouring of appreciation and gratitude for Jacque and his life's work from all over the world. And while this is solemn news, it's heartening how many of you have expressed even greater determination to ensure that The Venus Project lives on through their efforts. Indeed, this is the only way it will. I will continue to do all that I can to ensure that the aims and proposals of The Venus Project proceed without interruption, and we welcome your participation. Though Jacque is no longer with us, the extensive work that he accomplished over his 101 years inspires and builds our resolve to bring forth his vision of world unification - a comprehensive, all-inclusive Resource-Based Economy.

"Because the civilized world hasn’t even begun to get off the ground yet."

Jacque Fresco

For those wanting to help:

  • Thank you for subscribing to our monthly newsletter. Please invite others who you feel would be interested to subscribe as well. The link is at the bottom of most pages on our website. This way, people can receive news, calls for needed skills, and to be kept up-to-date on the latest developments.
  • Donate to the project!  Even a small recurring monthly donation would make a big difference toward achieving our long-term goals.
  • Get involved with our existing teams and volunteer your time, creativity, and efforts. We are also expanding the number of teams to participate in and those will be announced in future newsletters as they are formed.
  • Visit us in Venus! Tour Seminars will continue every Saturday with Roxanne and team. The discussions and demonstrations of Jacque's vision through buildings, models, sketches, and animations remains a unique and comprehensive way to get immersed in the environment and better understand how it all comes together.
  • Promote accurate information about the ideas and proposals of The Venus Project by sharing our website and videos from our YouTube channel.
  • Jacque’s book The Best that Money Can't Buy and our Lectures and Educational DVD’s, CD’s and Downloads can also be purchased on our Online Store to help support the project financially, and help you learn more about its direction.

All of these contributions are invaluable and your participation is much appreciated!

If you have any other inquiries, please let us know at tvp@thevenusproject.com.

Thank you again,
Roxanne and The Venus Project Team


By Roxanne Meadows

Roxanne Meadows attended Moore College of Art and received a B.F.A. from Maryland Institute of Art. She studied design, technical and architectural rendering and model making under Jacque Fresco for 4 years. Today, she is an accomplished and well-known technical and architectural illustrator and model maker. Ms. Meadows is a competent scientific and medical illustrator. She also has a private pilot license.

(Source: thevenusproject.com; June 13, 2017; http://tinyurl.com/yaeyjop2)
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