Have you ever heard of The Prometheus Project?

How much longer will it be where we compare the daily news to “something out of dystopian science fiction” and instead admit that it’s already our reality?

The merger of human and machine is a dream long in the making, as well as the centralized management of behavior, and it’s clearly starting to bear fruit.

Melissa Dykes of Truthstream Media discusses a book called The Prometheus Project published in 1969 by physics professor Gerald Feinberg.  His background is interesting in itself, but what he says about transhumanist technologies and “long-range goals” for humanity’s “universal consciousness” is something everyone needs to hear.

Should the goals of the human race be set by a small elite group, or by as many people as wish to take part in the discussion. — Gerald Feinberg.


By Activist Post

Alternative News for Enlightened Minds!

(Source: activistpost.com; October 4, 2019; https://tinyurl.com/y2zj5nke)
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