European Union wants mandatory energy rationing to ‘flatten the curve’

The European Union president is proposing mandatory energy rationing measures to “flatten the curve” of energy consumption.

European Union wants mandatory energy rationing to ‘flatten the curve.’

“During peak demand, the expensive gas comes into the market. So, what we have to do is flatten the curve to avoid the peak demands,” EU president Ursula von der Leyen said. “We will propose a mandatory target for reducing electricity use at peak hours, and we will work very closely with the member states to achieve this.”

“These are tough times, and they’re not over soon, but I am convinced that Europeans have the economic strength, the political will and unity to keep the upper hand.”

Von der Leyen used the infamous COVID expression “flatten the curve” when describing how to tackle energy challenges created by Russian manipulation, climate change and insufficient nuclear energy.

“Smart-saving of electricity” will be implemented right away to limit the amount of electricity people can use during peak hours. It’s anyone’s guess how long these measures will be in place, but Shell predicted that gas shortages for Europeans will continue for years to come.

Some citizens in European countries have already started cutting back as energy prices explode. For example, stores in Italy are resorting to turning off their lights and opting for candlelight due to the massive increase in energy bills. Some Italian stores removed food items that require cold storage because it costs too much to power refrigerators.

In Scotland, demonstrators are burning energy bills to protest an 80% price cap increase on annual energy bills.

In a video, demonstrators toss their energy bills into burning barrels in the middle of the street while a crowd of supporters cheer them on. The demonstrators break out in song, “the bills are on fire.”

Citizens in these countries may have more dark days to come, with the European Union president now suggesting rationing their energy altogether.

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By Mike Campbell
(Source:; September 7, 2022;
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