Canada budgets $105 million for digital ID – collaboration with World Economic Forum

A project first announced in 2018 by the Canadian Government is now making news again as a new document has revealed Canada is spending $105.3 Million on the project over 5 years.

In this video we explore the nature of how governments are making very impactful decisions these days and leaving the public with no say.

There are a number of changes occurring in our technological landscape that have huge philosophical and value based implications around our privacy and what it means to be human. It’s imperative we embrace a notion around how to have discussion about these subjects and not simply let government steam roll these conversations.

For full references please use source link below.


By Joe Martino / Founder of Collective Evolution

I created CE 5 years ago and have been heavily at it since. I love inspiring others to find joy and make changes in their lives. Hands down the only other thing I am this passionate about is baseball.

(Source:; November 6, 2022;
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