Big Pharma shaking: these new cannabis capsules are so powerful they could replace all pain killers

For those of you in perpetual pain, there may be a new solution: Cannabis capsules! Studies have shown that a new cannabis capsule could provide as much pain relief as current painkillers, and even replace them altogether!

The Foria Relief Company has invented a vaginal suppository that can relieve pain from menstrual cramps. With an aromatic cocoa butter base, it could be an effective substitute for vicodin, midol and ibuprofen.


It works by inserting the capsule into the vagina and relaxing the muscles. These become tense and painful during menstrual cramping. By using extracted cannabis flowers, it contains exactly 60mg of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and 10mg of cannabidiol (CBD).

THC is a known pain blocker, while CBD keeps you relaxed. These combine to relax your muscles, inhibit spasms and stop inflammation. The best part is it doesn’t have any psychoactive properties so it won’t get you high!

Right now, this treatment is only sold in California, and it hasn’t been approved by the FDA. As always, you should consult your doctor before you decide to try it. Testing is still in the early stages so it’s hard to tell the long-term pros and cons.

The greatest benefit this would have is replacing current painkillers, which are often abused. An estimated 4.7 million Americans are dependent on painkillers, with up to 7% becoming addicted. Since cannabis has no known addictive elements, it would be an effective replacement.

The benefits of cannabis as an alternative medicine are still being tested, but many of its positives are coming to light. It won’t happen overnight, but it looks like something that’ll be sticking around for a while.


By Organic & Healthy

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The Organic&Healthy Team.

(Source:; February 5, 2017;
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