2023 BIG Conference Call for Proposals

 The 21st annual BIG Conference will be held in Chicago, June 8-9, 2023. The theme for the 2023 BIG Conference is Building Momentum Across the Movement, with a focus on the following areas: Building Intersectional Coalitions, Shifting Culture and Narratives, and Nurturing a Diverse Policy Landscape.
Please mark your calendars, spread the word, and consider submitting a proposal.

Submit your proposal by 20 January 2023: to do so start by clicking here.

Here is the conference website: https://www.thebigconference.org/

For the rest of this article please go to source link below.


By Peter Knight
(Source: basicincome.org; December 19, 2022; https://bit.ly/3WwPv8b)
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