Three new scientific insights on hugs and happiness

New study shows that a hug leads to better mood.

Reviewed by Vanessa Lancaster


  • A new study compared the association between hugging and mood before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Hugging was associated with a better mood, but the effect was much stronger during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • When hugs are rare, getting one has the strongest positive effect on how we feel.

A heartfelt hug can make us feel better in the worst of situations that can happen in life, but psychological research on hugging on mood is still rather rare. A new scientific study, now published in Health Communication (Packheiser et al., 2023), focused on investigating how hugging affects mood. (Disclaimer: I was one of the authors of this study.) In particular, we were interested in whether hugging had a stronger effect on mood during the COVID-19 pandemic, which was associated with a drastic decrease in social interaction compared to the time before the pandemic.

A New Study on Hugging and Mood

My co-authors tested two groups of German volunteers. The first group of 94 volunteers was tested before the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, this group experienced a normal social life and no social isolation regulation due to the pandemic. The second group of 104 volunteers was tested in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, this group had reduced social contact due to pandemic-related social isolation rules in Germany at that time.

Both groups of volunteers were tested with a research method called “Ecological Momentary Assessment” (or, in short: EMA). EMA means they were not tested in a university's psychological laboratory but were invited to fill out a short questionnaire on their smartphone or laptop for several consecutive days. This way, we tried to get a more realistic view of everyday hugging behavior than with tests in a laboratory.

1. People hugged less during the COVID-19 pandemic than before.

Before the pandemic, people hugged an average of 6.29 times per day. During the pandemic, this number significantly decreased to 2.64 times per day. This probably reflects that people could still hug the people they lived together within the same household during the pandemic. However, they likely had much fewer chances to hug other friends or family members they would normally see at social gatherings like parties which were much less likely to happen during the pandemic.

2. Before the pandemic, people hugged more on weekends. But during the pandemic, there was no difference between the days of the week and hugging.

The next interesting finding was that before the pandemic, people hugged more on weekends than on weekdays. For example, in the pre-pandemic group of volunteers, people hugged about 10 times on average on a Saturday but only four times on a Tuesday. This probably reflects that people meet more other people that they would like to hug on the weekend, for example, If they go to parties. On weekdays, most people spend a lot of time at work, where hugs may be considered unprofessional in many companies. In contrast to before the pandemic, there was no weekend effect for hugging during the pandemic, probably because there were not so many social gatherings on weekends.

3. Hugs make us feel better–even more so during social isolation.

Receiving more hugs in everyday life was associated with a better mood, but this result had an interesting twist. During the pandemic, when people hugged much less than before, there was a substantially stronger association between hugging and a good mood. Thus, when hugs were rare, their positive effect on mood was much stronger.

There may be different explanations for this effect. On the one hand, hugs have been shown to reduce stress, and many people were rather stressed during the pandemic for several reasons. Relieving stress by getting a hug may have had a stronger effect on a positive mood during the pandemic. On the other hand, it has been shown that a lack of affectionate touch may negatively impact mental health. Thus, hugs may have been important for a good mood in tough times by reducing such negative thoughts and feelings. These results also suggest that the people who received the fewest hugs may have the most positive effects.


Packheiser J, Sommer L, Wüllner M, Malek IM, Reichart JS, Katona L, Luhmann M, Ocklenburg S. A (2023). Comparison of Hugging Frequency and Its Association with Momentary Mood Before and During COVID-19 Using Ecological Momentary Assessment. Health Commun, 1-9, epub ahead of print.


By Sebastian Ocklenburg, PhD

Sebastian Ocklenburg, Ph.D., is a professor for research methods in psychology at the Department of Psychology at MSH Medical School
Hamburg, Germany. Dr. Ocklenburg obtained his doctorate from Ruhr University Bochum in Germany and has worked at the Bergen fMRI Group at the University of Bergen in Norway. His research focuses broadly on hemispheric asymmetries in the language and motor systems, including handedness. Much of his research is focused on the development of hemispheric asymmetries, and the genetic and epigenetic factors that shape it. Furthermore, his research examines the neurophysiology of hemispheric asymmetries using neuroimaging techniques such as fMRI, DTI, and EEG. He has also investigated the role of stress on hemispheric asymmetries, as well as comparative research on handedness and language lateralization. Through his research, he aims to generate knowledge that will provide a better understanding of the organization of the human brain. Dr. Ocklenburg’s work has been published in international peer-reviewed journals such as Neuron, Science Advances, Neuroimage, eLife, and Laterality. He has also written a major textbook on hemispheric asymmetries titled “The Lateralized Brain: The Neuroscience and Evolution of Hemispheric Asymmetries,” and several book chapters on hemispheric asymmetries. He has presented his research at several scholarly conferences such as the meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, the annual meeting of the organization for human brain mapping, and the North Sea Laterality Meeting.

(Source:; April 15, 2023;
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