The WEF is seeking to normalise pedophilia
Governments across the world, operating under the control of the World Economic Forum, are waging war on our children. Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders are systematically attempting to normalize pedophilia and decriminalize sex with children across the world.
It’s happening right before our very eyes and the mainstream media are complicit in their silence.
This week in Jacinda Ardern’s far-left New Zealand, a judge declared that 12-year-old children can consent to sex with adults. No need to hit rewind. You heard me correctly. The case in question featured a 45-year-old man whose defense centered on the claim that his 12-year-old victim “wanted it.” According to the middle-aged man, the 12-year-old girl pressured him for sex.
“I know she was a child but the way she came to me was like a mature woman. I refused her but she kept coming back to me. She truly wanted to do this,” the 45-year-old said of the child who was 12 at the time.
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