Smart meter radiation and health

... why are we neglecting non-toxic alternatives?

The Ecologist, a British environmental magazine, looks again at some of the inconvenient truths about so-called smart meters. Writer Lynne Wycherley points out that we will only achieve a biosustainable green grid if we factor in precautionary EMF science into our awareness and energy use.  In this comprehensive article packed with links to supporting material, disruption to the human heartbeat, interference with medical implants, insomnia and increased adverse outcomes such as cancer all receive a mention.

Extract from the Ecologist: “Smart meter radiation and health – why are we neglecting non-toxic alternatives?”

Lynne Wycherley, 6th June 2017

With growing evidence of harm to physical and mental health caused by continuous pulsed em radiation from ‘smart’ electricity meters, Lynne Wycherley asks: have we underestimated risks to heart function and the nervous system? And of interference with embedded medical devices, such as cardiac pacemakers? It’s time to switch to over-wire or fibre communications to bring the ‘smart green grid’ of the future to electrosmog-free reality.

“What struck me most was the common time-line: normal people, strange new symptoms, who only later discovered that a smart meter had been installed at the time or just before their symptoms initiated.”

It is striking that the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) called for a moratorium on smart meters (2012) and continues to veto them today.

Based on their literature reviews and clinical experience, they advised no smart meters should be located in or next to the homes of those with cardiac or neurological conditions, including Parkinson’s or dementia; or electrosensitivity; or cancer.

Their board wrote to California’s Public Utilities Commission: “guidelines for RF exposure used to justify installation of ‘smart meters’ are based only on thermal effects and are obsolete” – guidelines now under heavy fire from the 224-scientist appeal to the UN (see Part 1).

The AAEM continues: “Wireless RF radiation … effects accumulate over time which is an important consideration given the chronic nature of exposure to ‘smart meters’. The current medical literature raises credible questions about genetic and cellular effects, hormonal effects … blood / brain barrier damage, and increased risks of certain types of cancers from RF and ELF levels similar to those emitted by ‘smart meters’. Children are placed at particular risk.”

Footage has been published of smart meter transmissions disrupting the human heartbeat. Blind electrocardiogram field tests (16 May 2017), verified by Dr Gilberto Leon MD, an American GP, reveal smart meter heartbeat disruption in an apparently healthy adult male.

Repeated disruption was found at 1m from a smart meter in blind tests on a healthy adult male. Dr Leon warned this effect “silently makes our hearts work too hard“, a chronic stress.  He had to halt a later blind test (1.5m) on a woman due to the meter’s apparent, rapid impact. If such risks are confirmed by double-blind studies (if funded), or found at greater distances, should smart-meters be re-sited or withdrawn?

Electro-siege … RF-sensitive medical implants

Pacemakers, insulin pumps, deep-brain stimulators, cochlear implants, internal defibrillators (ICDs), spinal stimulators and other RF-sensitive implants are in growing use worldwide. Many of us have loved ones with such implants, and may face personal use in later life.

Geophysics professor Gary Olhoeft has a Parkinson’s deep-brain-stimulator that can be affected unpredictably around wireless technologies, even shutting off. He has given talks on the EMF cacophony we are creating – and its breathtaking short-sightedness.

During one such talk, everyone present indicated that their own medical implants had been disturbed by EMFs in the environment. On the lack of research into such interactions, he says “you have to ask: why is so little known about something that has the potential to injure or kill so many … ?”

Internationally, there has been no post-rollout monitoring of possible smart-meter / medical implant interactions, despite the meters’ 24:7 piercing microwave pulses, mixed modalities, and situations – such tiny shop units (UK) – which create sustained close exposure. Despite the new EU law on occupational EMFs.

View the complete article at the Ecologist.


(Source:; July 13, 2017;
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