Why practice self-care?

We are always caring for ourselves to one degree or another.

Self-care is one of the most basic parts of our human nature. We are born with powerful inner drives that motivate us to protect ourselves to avoid pain or death. It is an essential quality of human beings to look after themselves and avoid harm.

In the past, and in parts of the world where doctors and modern medicine are not primary means of care, self-care has been a science and an art that has been practiced and handed down for maybe even hundreds of generations. The invention of modern medicine and the seemingly increasing speed of our lives has encouraged many of us to embrace the easy quick fixes of modern medicine. For many of us, the ancient arts and scientific practices of our ancestors have been lost (potentially completely) over the last 75-100 years.

There is still time to reconnect with the arts of self-care.

Self-care may be one of the biggest opportunities of our time. Self-care involves have a deep knowledge about our bodies and their body systems. In certain Eastern cultures, the centuries old art and practices of self-care are taught from the very beginning of a person’s life. Disciplines like yoga and Ayurveda (and many more) provide structures and systems for inquiring deeply and understanding the signals and communications of the body.

In our western culture, over the last several generations, we have not been taught to listen to and interpret the communications and signals of our own bodies.  Instead, we have been encouraged to seek help from sources outside of us which use man-made instruments of measurement to interpret the signals and needs of the body. Nothing can replace the sophistication of a finely tuned, well-honed, and practiced relationship with one’s own body. Our understanding of our body’s signals and communications is an enormous opportunity for preventative care. Our million years of evolution occurred inside of our capacity to care for ourselves and learn about our own needs with our own intelligence – to then seek help and find tools.

To be clear – medical science absolutely does have its place. And… one can hope that with a thorough understanding of the body’s systems like we find in Ayurveda and proper tools we can reduce the need for medical science. A breakthrough in self-care, for the human race of the West, would do a great deal to relieve some of our issues with costs associated with our reliance on medical care. A carefully cultivated “listening” of our inner body allows us to catch signs early and respond before serious situations arise that are difficult to cure even with medical science.

Mastery of the complex tools available separates humans from other species.

The opportunity to integrate modern tools for personal use into our self-care practices in the modern twist on the ancient personal art and science of self-care. Biomat® technology is one such modern tool for personal use. (It is also a certified medical device.)

The body’s signals and communications occur on an energetic level. When we feel a pain, inflammation, or heat we are aware of it because of energetic signals being moved from the area of the sensation to the brain. With those signals, we make choices about how to care for ourselves. Maybe we seek a doctor’s care. Maybe we use yoga or Reiki. Maybe we apply far infrared energy.

Biomat® technology uses far infrared energy and negative ions to treat the energetic nature of the body. The technology relies on the same energetic system that includes all of our self-care signals and communications. Far infrared radiant heat is known for reducing pain and inflammation. Negative ion therapy is known for reducing stress responses and allowing the body to put more of its innate healing resources toward injured or ill areas. With an increase of our energetic experience on the Biomat® we have the opportunity to leave treatment sessions better informed about the needs of our bodies.

The more informed we are about the needs of our own bodies and the more practiced we are in applying modern self-care tools the better equipped we are to care for ourselves early before dis-ease arises. The lifelong art and science of self-care is one of the ultimate opportunities available to us right now. Carefully tuned and informed self-care practices will be a return to a basic human nature that is very important to our well-being and longevity. No matter what medical situation we find ourselves in the capacity to listen and respond to the needs of our bodies will further the quality of our lives.


NEXUS is now a distributor for BioMat. For detailed information go to the Nexus Magazine Biomat webpage here, email [email protected] or call the NEXUS shop.

Australia, Phone +61(0)7 5442 9280


Imagine sleeping on a bed of crystals…

The BioMat produces soothing Far Infrared rays and negative ions, delivering a wealth of health benefits. Unlike an electric blanket which uses electric coils to create heat, the Biomat uses a combination of fabrics and amethyst stones to generate far infrared rays which are then transferred to the body as heat. The heat comes from friction generated within the body through the effects of far infrared rays. Far infrared rays warm the inside of your body and the part of your body making contact with the Biomat.

  I use the BioMat at home (when it is my turn) on both the office chair and the bed. Once you start using it you won’t stop.

  For the past two years I’ve watched this product being used by practitioners and patients for a variety of health problems and the results are quite spectacular. Every practitioner should have one of these on their treatment table. I can’t recommend it enough. 

Duncan Roads, Editor

What is Thermotherapy?
Thermotherapy is the therapeutic application of any substance to the body that adds heat to the body resulting in increased tissue temperature.
Thermotherapy also increases blood flow which facilitates tissue healing by supplying protein, nutrients, and oxygen at the site of injury. Studies have shown that a 1°C increase in tissue temperature is associated with a 10% to 15% increase in local tissue metabolism. The increase in tissue metabolism assists in the healing process by removing the metabolic by-products of tissue damage and provides the environment for tissue repair.

Negative Ions
Negative ions, or anions, are atoms that have a greater number of electrons (-) than protons (+), which result in a negative charge. They are abundant in natural environments such as forests, mountains, waterfalls and oceans. In a 2013 report on the effects on negative ions, studies were discussed about the positive effects of negative ions on physiological functions and human health.

More info here.

Detailed information about health benefits and ordering your own BioMat here.

By Alisa Reynolds / Author at Biomats.com
(Source: biomats.com; February 28, 2017; http://tinyurl.com/yaqsjcbl)
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