Vaccine scandal in Slovenia

 - bottles have code #'s for Placebo, Vax, or KILL SHOT

Word is coming out of Slovenia that, if verified, will cause an unimaginable world reaction.

On Saturday 20 November, the Chief Nurse of the University Medical Center, Ljubljana Clinical Center, (pictured above, who deals with the administration of vaccine vials and manages everything, quit her job, went in front of TV cameras and took out vaccine bottles.

She showed the gathered journalists the codes on the bottles, each with the final number 1, 2, or 3 in the code, and then explained the meaning of these numbers:

Number 1 is placebo, saline.

Number 2 is the classic mRNA "vaccine"

Number 3 is an RNA stick containing the ONC gene, related to adenovirus, which contributes, among other things, to the development of cancer.

For these who get jabbed from vial whose code ends in the number 3, she says people who received them will have soft tissue cancer within 2 years.

She said that she had personally witnessed the vaccinations of all politicians and tycoons and that they all received the preparation number 1 

The media has been told to absolutely bury this story and fierce efforts at containing this information are underway right now.

More details if they become available.


By Hal Turner

Hal Turner is the ONLY living American media member IMPRISONED for writing a news Editorial the Obama Regime didn't like. 

The ONLY other American media member EVER imprisoned for an Editorial was Benjamin Franklin-Bache, grandson of Benjamin Franklin in the year 1798, which talked about the Alien and Sedition Act.  He died of Yellow Fever while awaiting trial. 

Thus, you should pay very close attention to what Hal says because the federal government is so fearful of his words, you just KNOW he's telling the truth!

24 Hours a day, seven days a week, the Hal Turner Radio Show web site brings breaking news to readers around the world.   From local, to state, national and international topics, readers get breaking news fast and accurate.

Monday through Friday from 9:00-10:00 eastern US time, (GMT -0400), Hal Turner brings American talk-radio to more than 70 countries around the world, live.

Through the facilities of global,  High-Frequency (HF) International stations WBCQ (50,000 watts) and WRMI (100,000 watts) his show is heard in all of North America, entire continental US and eastern Alaska, ALL of: CANADA, Greenland, Iceland, much of the UK, all of Mexico, central and South America, sometimes in Japan and Australia, New Zealand, the entire Caribbean and often in Western Europe; UK, France, Spain, Germany, Norway, Sweden and Finland! 

HF is such that the signal coverage is affected by the ionosphere in our upper atmosphere, so while coverage of North America is virtually guaranteed, the other nations mentioned may have sporadic reception. 

The show is also heard on regular AM news-radio via KYAH 540-AM "Utah's Talk Authority"


To call-in and speak live, on-the-air, dial           201-771-3013

Don't expect "fairness" or "balance;" that's not what this show is about. This program focuses on news, issues, and opinions that the mainstream will not talk about. 

For news coverage, you get the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How.  Facts.  Not opinion.  Not conjecture.  And if there is opinion, it is LABELLED as "HT Remark" to separate the news from what Hal thinks.

Hal uses his own life experiences to formulate his opinions and he lets loose with them every week no matter who doesn't like it!

MSNBC says "[Hal] Turner has the cachet of show business and draws easily on the politics of the day to support his case."

CNN reports "Hal Turner is a man with a message. . . . a master of the First Amendment"

DAILY KOS reports [Hal Turner has] "outstanding and unsurpassed ability of verbal rhetoric and eloquence over the mighty radio-waves. . . . ."


So effective is Hal Turner that no less than the President of the National Council of LaRaza, appearing on CNN's "Lou Dobbs Tonight" blamed Turner BY NAME for "creating a wave of hate" against illegal aliens. (It wasn't true, but she said it anyway!) 

A major Turner triumph was successfully causing 18 United States Senators to change their votes and halt amnesty for illegal aliens contained in the 2007 so-called "Grand Bargain; Comprehensive Immigration Reform" legislation. 

Twelve hours after Turner released to his audience, Senator home addresses and unlisted phone numbers, Senators reportedly received so many calls, they changed votes they had cast just three days earlier, thus ending the Amnesty Bill for illegal aliens. Congress was so mad that Turner did this, they made it ILLEGAL: 18 U.S.C. §119 


(Source:; November 23, 2021;
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