They are coming for our children

The criminals in our Australian government and the unelected bureaucrats who collude with them to keep this pandemic lie going have now decided that they need to expand their reign of terror. Starting tomorrow, all children from 12 years and up will be targeted with an experimental jab that has already killed millions of adults and the elderly worldwide. Starting with children who are already immunocompromised (most likely as a result of previous childhood vaccinations) and our Original Australian population, we will now see the emergence of another Stolen Generation of precious children if this is allowed to continue. The plans are in the works - and studies are already ongoing - to give these shots in infancy and to inject them into all Australians annually or every 6 months going forward forever.

The insanity has to stop and you can stop it. Yes, I’m talking to YOU!

Since February this year, I have spoken with an incredible number of Australians who tell me that they personally know of 2-3 people who have died or been seriously injured by COVID jabs. It is time for you to tell your stories to stop others from suffering as you have.

Starting this Wednesday, the 11th of August, I am opening up the Virtual Vaxxed Bus Tour to COVID injury and death stories only. For 2 weeks, I will make myself available 7 days a week to allow you to share what has happened to you or to your loved ones. I have also heard from medical professionals who have personally seen the results of COVID jab injuries with patients in their care. If any doctors or nurses would like to share their experiences, and are ready to bravely stand up against this tyranny, I would also love to speak with you. With the exception of time for lunch, dinner, sleep and the interviews I have planned for up-coming Under the Wire episodes, I will be waiting to speak with you. Click here to book your time slot.

For everyone reading this, you are not going to just watch and share these interviews (though I hope you will do both those things). We are going to upend this government over the next fortnight and we are going to hold everyone - from the lowliest councilor at your local level through to Scott Morrison at the top personally, morally and legally accountable.

Every night after they air, the videos will be uploaded to the AVN’s Rumble Channel found at this link. If Facebook does not allow the lives to go to air or if our pages are taken down, then they will stream live and be saved to Rumble - be sure to bookmark this link so you will be able to find them.

Your vital role is to send the links every single day to the PM, the Shadow Minister and Minister for Health and to your Federal Senators and your MP. You also need to do this for your State MPs and Senators (if you have them in your State). You can and should also send them to your local newspaper, radio stations and TV news outlets - attention to the Editor (at the newspaper) or Chief of Staff (to radio and TV). Spend 10 minutes now getting that list together so you will be ready on Wednesday. Share this information with everyone else you know is on side and a believer in freedom.

When you send the letter, include this introduction or one of your own writing.


Dear _____,

I attach links to videos of just some of the innocent families whose loved ones have been killed or injured as a direct result of your policies of censorship, suppression of information, lies and corruption. I see you. I know your name. I will not forget it. I am holding you personally, legally, morally and politically accountable for this holocaust unfolding in front of all our eyes. I will continue to do so until the day you stop harming our children, our elderly, our friends and our families. You have been put on notice. You can never again claim to not know the truth about these crimes against Australians and all humanity as a whole.

And paste the links to whatever videos have been saved to Rumble the day before.

If I can spend 2 weeks filming and uploading these stories, you can spend 2 weeks sharing them. We have reached a point of no return in this world of ours and it is up to every one of us to become the warriors these times demand and to take back our freedoms for our children, our families, our community and ourselves.


Are you with me on this?


Yours in peaceful revolt against tyranny,

Meryl Dorey

Contacting Senators and Members


Here is some information for you to be able to send messages to the PM, State Senators and other politicians. We found that because of fear of spam or even fear of being contacted by angry constituents, parliamentarians no longer have their email addresses made public on their websites. 

But you can go to this page

When you scroll down at the bottom you will find the section where you can put the name of your senators or members individually and it will take you to their homepage with their contact details. You may call them and say that you want their email address in order to send them some information. They cannot refuse this request. You need to do the same for each state parliament and councilors. Then find out the same for your newspapers, radio and television stations. Please take time to do a bit of research so that you have all these details by the time Wednesday rolls out.


By Meryl Dorey
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