The TRACE Act: H.R.6666
The bill in the US House of Representatives, H.R. 6666, initially called, "H.R.6666 - To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID-19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals' residences, and for other purposes." has language, and has been renamed:
"H.R.6666 - COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act"
It's stated purpose is to, "To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID–19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals’ residences, and for other purposes." (Its former title.)
"In General.—The Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, may award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID–19, to trace and monitor the contacts of infected individuals, and to support the quarantine of such contacts, through—
(1) mobile health units; and
(2) as necessary, testing individuals and providing individuals with services related to testing and quarantine at their residences.
The TRACE Act gives $100B to medical centers, schools, colleges, non-profits such as churches, and "any other type of entity that is determined by the Secretary to be an eligible entity."
My expectation is that in order for any entity to receive these funds, they must require that the entity sign a contract saying that they will require those who participate in the entity's activities to agree to be tested, tracked, and vaccinated.
So the stage is set for whatever organization that you interact with to be the compliance officer for your subjugation, as they will have sold you for their piece of the $100B of taxpayer money that is being used to oppress the taxpayers.
UPDATE: Yes that is the real bill number.
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