The incredible health benefits of propolis

In the beginning people thought that propolis just offered hive protection from the effects of the elements. However, what we now know is that protection is just a simple purpose behind the existence of propolis. It is capable of reinforcing stability and structure, minimizing vibrations and even preventing infections coming from parasites. Besides this, the high quality compounds, like Comvita propolis, offer interesting health benefits everyone should be aware of. The most important ones are presented below.

Killing Bacteria

Bee propolis has really strong anti-bacterial capabilities when chewed, with highly beneficial influence inside root canals. Researchers compared calcium hydroxide with propolis and realized that the latter is simply much more powerful at killing various germs. In the past propolis was used in order to deal with the flu and colds. The study just proved that ancient people knew something we did not at the time. Propolis is capable of killing bacteria all throughout our body.

Lowering Blood Pressure

Propolis is capable of decreasing TH so we end up with a lower blood pressure. In tests done on lab rats it was shown that blood pressure is actively reduced in just 5 days. Modulating blood pressure is a necessity for so many from around the world. In the event you suffer from hypertension, raw honey is going to help a lot simply because it includes propolis.

Treating Bone Disease

Propolis was shown to be able to maintain and build healthy bone tissue. This is because of caffeic acid phenethyl ester, a compound we find in high quality propolis. The substance is capable of reversing or halting osteolytic bone disease. Bone disease sufferers notice quick benefits, with propolis actually being recommended as a treatment in bone wasting disease, like the common osteoporosis. It is even a good idea to take it preventively if you have bone density loss in your family history.

Treating Allergies

This is highly beneficial for those that fight seasonal allergies. Symptoms can actually be calmed, a fact proven through different studies. Histamine is what makes people sneeze, causing runny noses and eyes. Doctors prescribe anti-histamines in this case. However, propolis should also be considered as it is much better than what you would imagine. Just give it a try!

Actively Fighting Cancer

Prostate cancer is often diagnosed in men but we have scientific proof that the deadly disease can be made better with propolis as it is capable of suppressing cancer cells. It may even prevent its appearance. Propolis tincture was used on two different prostate cancer types and the conclusion was that cell death was improved. The same thing goes for colon cancer cells.

Treating Food Poisoning

Propolis offers antimicrobial activity that is really good against germs causing food poisoning. The main bugs that we often find in food poisoning are Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacter faecalis and C. jejuni. Propolis is really good at dealing with all of them. Just one propolis tincture bottle is all you need in your home. Take a recommended dose right after you eat anything in a restaurant or place that is not familiar for you. This protects you from getting food poisoning.

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By Natural Blaze Staff

Natural Blaze is a community for alternative health news, natural wellness tips, and fanatical foodies.

(Source:; December 25, 2017;
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