The cosmic role of the spiritual catalyst

Some souls have incarnated here to hold an energetic harmony that provides empathic support for evolving people. Others however, have come with the specific mission to break down illusions and inspire change by the very energy they hold. Such people may be called "Spiritual Catalysts". They’ll frequently find they have a confrontational effect on their environment and especially the people in it: you begin to undermine the very illusions society has been built upon.

Accelerating change

Of course, an essential part of walking the path is 'standing in our truth' - having the courage to express who we really are. This in itself begins to light a beacon for others to find their own truth, inside themselves. But this is only really one small part of the role of a Spiritual Catalyst. Such beings hold very strong energies within their soul ray harmonic, which first harmonises with their environment and then begins to emit a frequency that activates change.

It is important to say that a true Spiritual Catalyst does not change the eventual outcome of a person’s journey into truth, they only accelerate it. So a true Spiritual Catalyst will not impart their own truth onto others, rather they’ll present an alternative possibility or challenge a key building block of generally accepted reality causing illusions to fragment and fracture, thereby opening space for a more evolved version of truth to emerge and flourish.

In speaking personally, I notice that I have the capacity to empathise quite quickly with people within a group environment. I seem to be able to connect with people's consciousness easily. I know that this can be very ‘disarming’ for people, they tend to soften quickly. This is the first part of being a Spiritual Catalyst. But then I can also quickly read the illusions and distortions people may be harbouring at an ego level. I can ‘hear’ the mismatch between soul and personality. It’s at exactly that point, that frequencies begin to attune and shift inside of me. They hone in on the discrepancy, activating it, and bringing light to it.

Unintentional ‘button pushing’

I should say I don’t do this intentionally. I’m not trying to push buttons! But what happens, is that once an energetic bridge has been formed and once disharmonious discrepancies have been felt within the person I may be working with, then new energies from my soul ray harmonic want to activate and attune. Energy is transmitted through the field which then starts to challenge and confront. It invites people to shed illusionary layers.

If the energy people are holding is quite dense, then within myself I often experience it like  stirring thick, black treacle. It can be very challenging internally. The energies of change are flowing in, but they’re meeting resistance as they infuse into the field. It requires patience forged with persistence, but also knowing when it’s possible to turn up the volume or when best to soften it. It’s about bringing people right to the threshold of their comfort zone, frequently beyond it, but then only pushing to breaking point when a person is absolutely ready for it - when they’re ready to move beyond all limiting veils.

I find it greatly helps to let go of the need to feel like we’re here to teach, to heal, to lead or direct. It’s about progressively moving into the place of absolute trust, that even if our action may cause some degree of discomfort, its refined purpose is selfless. This removes much of the unnecessary sense of burden a Spiritual Catalyst may at times feel. You simply don’t need to appear in a particular 'spiritually correct' way. Yes, you may stir up the field at times, but that’s exactly what you’re here to do.

Internal Effects on the Spiritual Catalyst

Not only are the typical outward effects challenging to master, the inward ones are just as impactful too. Where the energy we’re working with is especially dense and the ‘treacle just too thick’, then the resistance can tend to build inside the catalyst. This may be experienced as frustration, tension, stress, or perhaps even a sense of anger. You have all this energy, but seemingly no productive outlet for it. These are the tensions we must learn to unravel and integrate.

It may mean that we need to turn down our sensitivity to the incoming energies for a while. This may be done by eating denser foods for example - but beware of binge eating, it’s only a temporary effect we’re looking for. What will help is to find physical and emotional expression for our energies. I find what can help me is dancing to music, deep consciousness bodywork such as soulmotion or a power walk in nature.

The last thing to do is deny we have that kind of impulsive and powerful energy. Instead, we need to find productive outlets for it. And I find frequent time on my own is absolutely essential. I often need to get ‘far from the madding crowd’ - so to speak.

Are you a Spiritual Catalyst?

Maybe you too recognise this kind of activity within yourself? Life can be very challenging for the Spiritual Catalyst until we’ve learned to accept our role and integrate the energies. We’re not here to be a popular vote winner! We won't be spiritually correct - might as well accept that, and become awesomely okay with it.

We’re likely to upset and offend people at times. It all depends on the deftness of touch we can master inside ourselves - finding the right vocabulary which challenges, but doesn’t close too many internal doorways within people.

If you recognise this archetype in you, and can master it, then you're offering a priceless gift for evolving people and the situation humanity dwells within. Openhand is here to be such a catalyst, breaking down energetic disharmonies in the world so that a New Paradigm can unveil and unfold itself. We’re certainly not here to tell people how it's going to be, rather help them see what doesn’t serve and then allow the new reality to take shape all by itself. 

If you resonate with the role and would like to explore further, take a deeper dive into the world of Openhand...


By Open

Openhand is a bridge into higher dimensions of consciousness. It is a way of tapping into the benevolent guiding hand of the Universe, to help you align with your soul through life. It empowers people to be totally authentic in who they are, and in so doing, facilitating a profound shift of consciousness into a new vibrational paradigm, in the Fifth Density.

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(Source:; August 25, 2011;
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