The conflicting narratives of COVID-19

Excerpted from Vaccine Choice Canada.  The Conflicting Narratives of COVID-19

By Edda West

As more and more information pours in from around the world, what’s become crystal clear is that there are two conflicting narratives informing us about the ‘pandemic’. The dominant mainstream narrative wants us to believe that COVID-19 poses extreme health risks to individuals and all of society – that extreme measures are needed to stop the virus from proliferating – that the risk of death is very high and requires draconian measures to win this viral battle  and that we must all wait patiently in isolation until a vaccine is developed before the lock down is lifted.  Fear of COVID-19 apparently justifies the shut down of society and with it the economy we all depend on for survival.

Juxtaposed with this doomsday scenario is a growing alternate narrative that questions the validity of these draconian measures and challenges the dire straits projections of mainstream analysts.  A more nuanced and balanced perspective is found in international data sets that compare hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19 with those occurring in previous annual surges of seasonal respiratory illnesses, of which coronavirus is one of many respiratory viruses that circulate every year.  The analyses of many skilled scientists reassures us that there is no evidence that warrants the lock down of society.  The focus should be on tracking down and isolating contacts of those who test positive and are ill while offering effective and safe treatments to those needing medical care.

Searching for answers, investigative journalist, Rosemary Frei, MSc, molecular biology, delves into the many unanswered questions a growing segment of the population is asking.  In this extensive report, she asks, Where’s the Evidence Supporting the Drastic Measures Against COVID-19?

In the March 26th broadcast of The Highwire, Del Bigtree; reviewed important international statistics which clearly show that the number of COVID-19 deaths are actually within the normal range of expected deaths that occur  every year among the frail and elderly at risk from any of the seasonal respiratory pathogens that circulate through the winter months. Included in the broadcast are the impactful commentaries of top scientists and epidemiologists who disagree with the extreme ‘lock down’ measures and are challenging the medical establishment’s doomsday scenario.  Their intelligent analysis of what is really happening is both enlightening and reassuring.

We can only imagine the devastating fall out our society will reap from the closure of all non-essential businesses, schools, travel and suspension of the entire economy for an indefinite period of time. The fear pundits say that isolation and lockdown should be imposed until a new coronavirus vaccine is developed. Human trials have already begun, bypassing the normal required early phases of animal testing to determine baseline risk/benefit and safety parameters prior to experimentation on humans.

Which begs the question, is the unprecedented level of fear and anxiety whipped up by the incessant media coverage of viral doom “laying the psychological groundwork for people to eagerly embrace ‘magic bullet’ medical solutions, no matter how experimental?” Is this how ‘they’ will usher in mandatory vaccination for everyone?  Lyn Redwood and Mary Holland tackle this pressing question as they address the urgent need for effective therapies for sick patients by repurposing existing drugs, providing access to non-toxic treatments of IV vitamin C, as well as off label use of hydroxychloroquine, an anti malaria drug in use for decades.

Most concerning is that the medical system has no effective treatments for critically ill and dying patients, yet resists all non-mainstream treatments that have been proven to save lives over decades of use.  Is it the case that our pharma captured medical system would rather let people die, than allow them to receive non-mainstream treatments that have been proven successful over many years and are currently saving lives in China and other places?

Often critically ill patients develop sepsis, a life threatening condition involving multiple organ failure.  Dr. Paul Marik, a critical care physician is saving lives with his IV vitamin C protocol treatments.   At the hospital where he works, Dr. Marik’s treatment protocol is “standard care for sepsis”, but few others are following; “unfortunately many hospitals are still dragging their heels waiting for more clinical trials to be completed.”   READ MORE The Conflicting Narratives of COVID-19

For the rest of this article please go to source link below.


By Edda West
(Source:; April 2, 2020;
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