by Probiotic Foods Australia
Cost: AUD$249 + shipping

The extent of the negative health effects of parasites, bacteria, mould and their combined waste products is largely unrecognised both by patients and by most health practitioners.
Nearly 25 years ago, NEXUS published the work of Dr Hulda Clark, who had announced that nearly all cancers were the result of multiple parasites, moulds and bacteria. She advocated a combination of herbs to remove the worst of these, and thousands of people with cancers reported almost miraculous health recoveries.
Also in the last 25 years the role of the biome in the human gut in governing overall health has become prominent in medical research.
The message is clear: if you remove parasites, bacteria and moulds from the body, and restore the gut biome, you will remove most symptoms of illness.
The Complete Parasite Kit, created by Don Chisholm at Probiotic Foods Australia, is the first time I've seen all the necessary anti-parasite and anti-mould ingredients in the one box. 
Normally you need to go out and source these herbs, figure out the dosages, when to take them, and for how long, etc. This causes many to give up part-way through, as some ingredients are not easily available, and some are quite unpalatable in the raw form.
Importantly, as well as all the diverse anti-parasite herbs, Don has included necessary ingredients to help restore the gut biome. 
All in all, it is a simple three-step program that sees you take a dose in the morning and a dose in the evening. And it does not taste bad!
The kit lasts for 60 days, which is the ideal length to prevent recurrence of parasites. Don suggests to start the program on a full moon, which is when many parasite eggs are hatched.
Overall, the things I like about this kit and its approach are:
• it is so simple to use. Everything is there, in two doses per day;
• it helps flush out the waste products generated by parasites;
• it helps flush out the parasites themselves (most come out dead, but some come out alive);
• it contains ingredients to address fungus and mould build-ups in the body (very important);
• it is designed to help restore the gut biome in the process; and
• needless to say, the kit is free from dairy, soy, GMO and gluten.
I am nearly halfway through the 60-day program, and so far, I can report no discomfort and no nasty surprises (dead or alive). 
Don Chisholm has lectured at NEXUS Conferences on the role of the gut biome in human health, and I highly recommend his work and his products.


(Source:; February 22, 2019;
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