She healed psoriasis with this diet after she was offered chemo for her skin

Hanna Sillitoe is an interior designer who had one major bane in her life – 20 years of the worst kind of plaque psoriasis. Anyone who has any kind of psoriasis truly suffers – it is like having a burning, weeping poison ivy every single day of your life. Normal activities like being in a wedding or swimming may be on hold for years because you are tired of all the questions about your disease – “is that contagious?” is the most common.

She created a diet for herself that healed all of her problems and kissed psoriasis goodbye.

Her zero-tolerance approach to psoriasis triggers, inspired thousands of others to release their psoriasis for good.

But it wasn’t just psoriasis that plagued her whole life – by age 35, she was steeped in eczema, obesity, high blood pressure, constant urinary tract infections and round-the-clock exhaustion. At her worst, she needed to use plastic clingwrap between her clothes to prevent bleeding and chaffing of her raw, peeled skin. She was offered chemotherapy as a strange, last resort to her suffering. Steroid creams are the most common treatment but you must stay on them and they cause scarring and thinning of skin. Additionally the psoriasis pops up somewhere else like a never-ending whack-a-mole game.

“At its worst, eczema covered my eyelids and plaque and guttate psoriasis [a type that appears as small, salmon-pink bumps on the skin] spread across my arms, legs, boobs, tummy and scalp,” she said.

The basics of her diet:

  • No caffeine
  • No alcohol
  • No dairy
  • No wheat
  • No sugar

After researching and eliminating all inflammatory foods and emphasizing nutrient foods, she watched as her scales began melting off her body. As a bonus, she lost 68 pounds and her whole-body health soared. Her other health woes, including bleeding gums and recurrent kidney infections, disappeared as well.

She started a blog and released a book with the details in January and now she gets all kinda of feedback from those who have healed using her techniques.

Some of the parents she heard from were accused of child abuse because their children looked severely “sunburnt” from their skin problems.

Here are pictures from one of Hanna’s most amazing healing testimonies.

Another person healed!

Here is Hanna’s body during her healing transition.

What do you think – will you try the basics of her psoriasis diet?

Check out Hanna’s book: Radiant – Eat Your Way to Healthy Skin

Share this amazing breakthrough!

DISCLAIMER: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


By Heather Callaghan / Editor, Natural Blaze

Born in Ohio in 1984, Callaghan currently resides in South Carolina. With a Business Associate’s Degree and a Certified Reiki Master, her topics of interest include biotech, civil liberties, economic and farming solutions, education, freedom, freedom to farm, natural health, and natural medicine and healing. Heather has written for since 2011, co-founded in 2013 and has wrritten for since 2014.

Her articles have been featured on InfoWars, Lew Rockwell, David Icke, The Mind Unleashed, Progressive Radio Network, Cutting Through The Matrix, The D.C. Clothesline, Conscious Living News, Rense, Waking Times, The Open Mind, Strike-The-Root. I’ve done interviews on Flow of Wisdom (GCN), Far Out Radio, UCY.TV, The Rundown Live, Down the Rabbit Hole on Truth Frequency, Bob Tuskin and KBFX Eyewitness News in California.

(Source:; November 7, 2017;
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