Researchers explore the therapeutic effects of Achillea wilhelmsii

Iranian researchers investigated the therapeutic effects of Achillea wilhelmsii (AW) extract on indomethacin-induced gastric lesion in rats, from both proteomic and metabolomic perspectives. Their findings listed below were published in the BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

  • Gastric ulcer is one of the most prevalent diseases worldwide.
  • In Iranian folk medicine, AW is used to treat gastric ulcer.
  • Previous studies have found that AW also has anti-ulcerogenic properties.
  • For their experiment, the researchers divided rats into four groups and induced gastric ulcer using a single dose of indomethacin (45 mg/kg).
  • They then administered 800 mg/kg of the AW extract orally to one group for 10 days.
  • The researchers collected serum and tissue samples for further investigation and conducted spectrometric analyses for the metabolomic study.
  • For the proteomic analysis, they conducted 2D gel electrophoresis followed by liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry.
  • Relevant genes were confirmed using real time PCR.
  • Both macroscopic and microscopic investigations confirmed the effectiveness of the AW extract.
  • The researchers reported that a panel of metabolites showed altered expression levels during gastric lesion development.
  • The levels of some of these metabolites returned to nearly their normal values after the administration of the AW extract.
  • The researchers also observed changes in the levels of some proteins, including albumin, fatty acid-binding protein 5 (Fabp5), heat shock protein beta-1 (Hspb1), transgelin (Tagln), galectin-7 (Lgals7), cystatin-A (Csta) and myosin regulatory light polypeptide-9 (Myl9).
  • AW treatment reversed the changes in the levels of these proteins caused by the gastric lesion formation.

Based on these findings, the researchers concluded that A. wilhelmsii is a potential therapy for indomethacin-induced gastric lesions.

Read the full study at this link.

Journal Reference:

Koushki M, Farrokhi Yekta R, Amiri-Dashatan N, Dadpay M, Goshadrou F. THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF HYDRO-ALCOHOLIC EXTRACT OF ACHILLEA WILHELMSII C. KOCH ON INDOMETHACIN-INDUCED GASTRIC ULCER IN RATS: A PROTEOMIC AND METABOLOMIC APPROACH. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 07 August 2019;19(1). DOI: 10.1186/s12906-019-2623-4


By Evangelyn Rodriguez
(Source:; March 17, 2021;
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