Queens dad saves daughter from death after vaccine reaction

It was difficult to read this story about a Queen's Dad who used his brand spanking new CPR training to save his beautiful, baby daughter after she had a serious seizure following her mandated 12 month vaccinations. What if Mom had not been with her baby? What if Dad had not just been trained in CPR? Perhaps a death certificate that would read, "SIDS."My heart races thinking about the panic they felt. I've watched my daughters seize. The first seizure I saw sent me into paroxysms of fear. So did the next 500. "Febrile. Won't happen again, Mrs. Stagliano."   I hope every politician who voted to remove the religious exemption in New York is him- 0r herself mandated to visit this heroic Dad in person to tell him that his little girl MUST undergo every single vaccine on the pediatric schedule to attend school in Queens.

How do you think Dad (and Mom) will feel about that? 

Sure, their pediatrician will tell them that post-vaccination seizures are "benign." They cause no harm. They are no reason to stop vaccinating.   They won't even trigger a medical exemption. At age 12 months 18, the CDC schedule includes the following thirteen vaccinations (source https://cp.doh.wa.gov/Immunization/Infants/12Months) But what if Mom and Dad want to take their time going forward with vaccinating their daughter? What if they want to stop?

• Hepatitis B (HepB)

• Diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis (DTaP)

Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)

• Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV)

• Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV)

• Flu (influenza), yearly

• Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR)

• Chickenpox (varicella)

• Hepatitis A (HepA)

There should be a bill in play as soon as the politicians return from their break that pays for CPR for every single parent in the state of New York, with the very clear precaution that they should stay near their children for at least 48 hours after every vaccination visit.  Free of charge. With pay covered for time off of work and childcare too.

Annie Annie are you OK?

Queens dad saves his own daughter with CPR training he’d used for the 1st time

A children’s worker trained in CPR used his life-saving skills for the first time to revive his own daughter when she suffered a terrifying seizure the day after a round of immunization shots.

Rasheen Hill had just opened the door to his Queens home after his shift at the New York City Children’s Center nearby when his wife frantically called out to him.

Rachel Hill was trying to get her 1-year-old daughter Shiloh and 4-year-old son Zion to bed around 9 p.m. on June 25 when the little girl suddenly went limp in her arms.

Just seconds earlier, Shiloh was happily camped out near the tub, tugging at a roll of toilet paper as her older brother was bathed. As the busy mom hefted Shiloh to shuffle her two kids to their room for bedtime, the girl stopped moving — and fear took over.

“I called to her and she didn’t respond,” Rachel said. “And that was where the panic had set in."


(Source: ageofautism.com; July 9, 2019; http://bit.ly/32hRS3a)
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