Placebo, human potential and nature of reality

Ep. 28 | Adam Curry

What is the nature of our reality? What are humans truly capable of and how can we explore this? These are questions I’ve been asking myself since I was a kid. I’ve explored these questions with friends, my own experiences, ancient traditions and science. 

Today my guest is Adam Curry. He is an inventor and tech entrepreneur, but most exciting to me, he’s a brilliant mind in the space of consciousness science.

In this episode we discuss consciousness and the nature of our reality. We’ll explore the placebo effect and what might be driving it, as well as discuss the prime states of being necessary to explore our deeper potential.

Note: off the top, there was a glitch at the beginning of this episode and we lost a few minutes, but you’ll pick up on a good spot as we get going here.

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By Collective Evolution

We (CE) believe in creating change by raising consciousness and thinking outside the box. We aim to challenge the current status quo by shaking up how we currently think about the world. We encourage and inspire each other to take action with the goal of bringing to life a bright future for us all. Positive and heartfelt journalism is a big part of what we do.

(Source:; January 24, 2023;
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