Parasites among us

There is a continuing uptick of Lyme disease in America.  B. miyamotoi is a relatively newly discovered tick-borne parasite related to the Lyme-causing Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) bacteria. Both are spirochetes or corkscrew-shaped bacteria that travel directly into cell tissue. Lyme is a parasitic, tick-borne disease affecting an estimated 440,000 people each year, 12X more than the 35,000 annual cases the CDC reports here:

High numbers such as these argue against a tick-only vector, especially since this parasitic spirochete anaerobic bacteria has also been discovered in mosquitoes and biting flies, including horse flies and deer flies. It suggests that the problem lies much deeper than the experts convey.

  • Symptoms of Lyme disease: The bite of this bacterium produces a neurological toxin that attacks nerves and the cerebrospinal fluid, that can manifest as severe joint and muscle pain, numbness, tingling, fatigue and, if left untreated, can lead to brain inflammation and heart problems.

Many people believe the increase in people living with Lyme disease is a consequence of the ways we humans have modified our environment. And they would be right. How we interact with our surroundings determines whether we adapt or not. Outer terrain reflects inner terrain. Terrain reflects constitution.

As part of nature, our disease state reflects a relationship with our microbes and our tissue state. Claude Bernard, a rival of Louis Pasteur and his Germ Theory, understood that germs do not invade to cause disease, but rather the germ is a product of the condition of the terrain or tissue state.

In 1870, Bernards’s colleague, Antoine Bechamp, observed that when conditions of pH, nutritional status, and toxicity shifted, so did the microbes. Bacteria shape-shifted to diverse stages of itself without losing its essence as it worked to adapt with its surroundings. The scene playing out was not one of divide and conquer but rather of one for all and all for one.

Dr. Enderlein later described this shape-shifter as the “endobiont,” as the basis of all life, working in tandem with the body’s terrain in peaceful coexistence.

As the endobiont evolves to a higher valence state–from normal to bacterial to fungal and parasitic–its waste products poison body fluids and produce a new stage of disease. Parasites go unnoticed until they begin to cause digestive distress, fatigue, chronic diarrhea or constipation, blood pressure issues, and many other common symptoms, including but not limited to cancer. Unfortunately, these symptoms are usually attributed to other causes. But the truth is, parasites and their accompanying fungal overgrowth are the most common causes of digestive problems.

The disease process is not linear but multidimensional and electrodynamic with the whole system moving in harmonic resonance based on the unique patterns of each individual, always in an effort to achieve homeostasis, just like in Nature. In his book Holographic Blood, Harvey Bigelsen MD, writes, “Disease is a living process.” As a continuum of symptoms, acute disease is characterized as bacterial or viral, whereas chronic disease is fungal. Cancer is a fungal adaptation. Once the body has exhausted all internal resources and begins to lose ground, the endobiont begins the recycling process to gradually consume the organism.

This is the universal story of life, adaptation, death and rebirth. If healing is to occur, outside intervention is necessary. When balance returns to the terrain, the endobiont reverts back to its natural state. Bechamp called this process pleiomorphism, an understanding of how the one reflects the whole.

Also, our microbes are in flux based on conditions of dysbiosis that we create through our emotions. We invited them to live with us. Parasites R Us. All disease begins when physical and emotional landscapes clash with our ability to balance terrain. So we should ask, what makes each of us susceptible to parasites at this time, more so than any other time?

As Within So Without

We only have to look around for the answers. What happens outside reflects what happens on the inside. Our relationships with others, whether harmonious or chaotic, all mirror the relationship we cultivate within ourselves. Our interactions create rhythmic waves of emotions that ripple out. The individual reflects the whole.

A parasitic relationship is a snapshot of our emotional health. Parasites show up in life when we choose to give up our power to narcissists. When we allow others to tell us who we are, we are challenged to either reclaim our power and autonomy, or adapt and conform to the suckers that will feed off of us at our expense. Do we choose to play the victim?

The Germ Theory that underlies Western allopathic medicine describes that the body is victim to a germ. This ideology is mindset, crumbling under the weight of false information. Today, disease epidemics are exploding around the world because everyone claims to be a victim.

When we choose to kill off “germs” with long-term antibiotics, we kill off ourselves. The body begins to deposit toxins deeper into the tissues, which causes our endobionts to shift into more pathogenic forms – Superbugs – not recognized by the antibiotics. The endobiont doesn’t die. It adapts to its changing environment.

There is no need to fear parasites or germs. We need only realize our true nature which is always changing in relation to our surroundings. In order to bring balance back to the body, the country, and the collective whole, we must see ourselves as part of a symbiotic whole.

There is no one remedy and no single method to healing. But seeking natural remedies to reset the body’s self-healing system eliminates the environmental conditions in which parasites thrive.

We create our terrain from within. Parasites show us what is happening within our bodies and our minds. It all comes from our emotional states and what we’ve allowed to invade our thoughts and feed off our sensibilities. Our choices each moment determine health or disease, as shown by the endobiont which adapts with us.

We heal all relationships when we heal ourselves first. When we exchange emotions of fear and emptiness for love and fullness, we achieve wholeness. When we let go of people and things that no longer serve us in favor of those that do, we are complete. Only then do we reclaim our power and come into a state of harmony and balance.


By Rosanne Lindsay, ND

Rosanne Lindsay is a board certified Naturopathic doctor, a tribal healthcare provider under the Turtle Island Provider Network, Earth Keeper, liberty-lover, writer, and author of the book The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet. Find her on Facebook at Natureofhealing and her website at Listen to her archived podcasts at

(Source:; January 23, 2019;
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