Nutmeg State of Connecticut sets sights on religious exemption

CT MaoI live in Connecticut, in the New England region of the United States. We are one of the original colonies. We , like this nation, were founded on freedom. Rhode Island, our small neighbor to the east, was founded on religious freedom specifically. Currently, we have two vaccine exemptions, religious and medical. The legislature is now seeking to remove the right to refuse a vaccine based on religious beliefs. 

I've lived in Connecticut for more than a dozen years. I had no idea what is the state motto. We all know New Hampshire's, "Live Free or Die" motto. And my home state of Massachusetts' motto is "By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty." What has happened to our liberty? We now live under not the sword of a King, but the syringes and pills of a government/industry kingdom.  Back to the motto of Connecticut: He Who Transplanted Still Sustains. The State website has a derivation of the motto below, from the Bible perhaps. Ah yes, religion.  Take a look:
The motto "Qui Transtulit Sustinet," (He Who Transplanted Still Sustains), has been associated with the various versions of the seal from the creation of the Saybrook Colony Seal. While the origin of the motto is uncertain, the late Charles J. Hoadly, a former State Librarian, suggested in an article entitled "The Public Seal of Connecticut," which appeared in the 1889 edition of the Connecticut State Register and Manual, that we look to the 80th Psalm as a possible source. "Thou hast brought a vine out of Egypt: thou hast cast out the heathen, and planted it." 

I assume the heathens were the early settlers, the Englishmen and women who fled the King and not the Native Americans who were slaughtered once "we" of European descent arrived.

So much religion is entwined with our nation's history.  And here our state is trying to remove my religious right to make medical decisions for our children.  Visit Health Choice CT to stay abreast of the demise our rights here in the nutty Nutmeg state where we might have to change our motto to "Vox clamantis in deserto." 


For the rest of this article please go to source link below.


By Kim Rossi / Kim Rossi is Managing Editor for Age of Autism.
(Source:; January 19, 2019;
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