Millions Against Medical Mandates asks why Pediatric Health has plunged

We are not alone in the autismn community. Millions of fellow citizens are wide awake to the grossly diminished stage called childhood. These folks are our friends, even if most are not directly involved with autism. Please join Millions Against Medical Mandates for a plethora of information and support.

Dear MAMM Community, 

Why has the physical and mental health of our children continued to worsen? Why, for instance, were only 12% of our kids experiencing chronic illnesses in the 1980s and now well over half of them are suffering from one or more of these conditions including asthma, obesity, cancer, heart disease, autism, type 2 diabetes, and autoimmune illnesses?  The idea that this is the “new normal” is a total “cop out” and blaming it on genetics is way too simplistic. 

In our feature article written by MAMM's Collaborative Communication Committee, Nate Doromal, he explores some areas steeped in science and common sense to find real answers to this critical question. 

We know that pHARMa (at best) only provides band-aid approaches to health problems.  Manufacturers of toxic chemicals could not care less about the damage they are causing to us and our children by permeating our air, food, and water with their poisons, and, unfortunately (as we saw with the COVID response), our public health system lacks depth of understanding and commitment to getting to the root cause and finding common sense solutions to address health issues.  The truth is, we (all of us) must face the task at hand.  Our children’s health and their future are up to us!

Speaking of solutions, make sure to watch The Toxic Truth About Food and What You can Do About It as well as Dr. Northrup's epic new video interview.

MAMM is dedicated to educating, equipping and empowering MILLIONS so together we can create a saner, freer and healthier future!  

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For the rest of this article please go to source link below.


(Source:; September 5, 2022;
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