Italy drains the swamp

... fires every member of the Higher Health Council

Note:  The M5S government in Italy is acting on its promises regarding vaccination safety and choice.  Below is the announcement from Giulia Grillo, Health Minister "The hour of change."


Italian health minister Giulia Grillo has unexpectedly sacked every member of the Higher Health Council, the committee of medical experts chosen to advise the government on health policy.

Grillo, from the populist Five Star Movement, wrote on Facebook that it was “time to give space to the new” after sacking the 30 board members unexpectedly with a formal letter yesterday.

“We are the #governmentofchange and, as I have already done with the appointments of the various organs and committees of the ministry, I have chosen to open the door to other deserving personalities,” she wrote. Read more at




(Source:; December 5, 2018;
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