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Israeli parents REJECT covid jabs for their babies - 0.04% compliance rate

 0.04% compliance: Israelis wholly reject Pfizer's baby and toddler mRNA shots campaign

Fewer than 1 in 2000 got their babies and toddlers injected with the gene juice.

Jordan Schachtel

Some good news out of Israel.

A stunning 0.048% of the Israeli population, or fewer than 1 in 2000, have accommodated the mRNA mafia’s requests to inject their children with expired gene therapy drugs.

Having once achieved virtually unanimous compliance in Israel (an effort assisted by heavy-handed government coercion), the mRNA shots now face much quiet and overt resistance in the country. Average citizens just aren’t buying Big Pharma’s sales pitch — despite the insistence from government officials that the shots are absolutely necessary — and the numbers are making that reality clear as day.

For the rest of this article please go to source link below.


By Jordan Schachtel / Investigative journalist
(Source:; August 2, 2022;
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