Is your toothpaste full of carcinogens? Check this list...

Taking good care of your teeth is vital, and is more important than a white smile. When it comes to toothpaste, I have experimented with different brands and mixed it up a bit over the years as I became educated about the use of certain ingredients in personal care and cosmetic products. 

This is the case as well with toothpaste, as we put this in our mouths at least 2 times a day. Our mouth is the most absorbent part of our body and whatever is in your toothpaste, is getting a pass into your bloodstream. You will think twice when you see that the brand you use has certain chemicals in it that will make you want to switch it up.

If you thought the processed food industry was bad, cosmetics are even worse!

Toothpaste is one of the least-regulated industries in America. Like our food, toothpaste has been filled with ingredients that are illegal in many countries. It’s horrifying what the label shows when it comes to ingredients, and the whole cosmetic industry is reaping millions in profits while this ensues. 

Don’t believe for one minute that the FDA is protecting you from toxic ingredients in your toothpaste – in fact they are part of the problem!

Colgate has been selling “Colgate Total” fro about 2 decades-and the FDA is finally coming around with banning its active ingredient “triclosan,” from body and hand soaps, but not from your toothpaste. The FDA explains to us that it isn’t okay to wash our hands with this chemical and rinse it off us, but its entirely safe to put in our mouths?? there’s no sense in it, and many dentists are calling them out. Why is the FDA protecting Colgate, which is the only company that is able to sell toothpaste with triclosan? Because the FDA isn’t watching out for consumers and is only for the safety of big corporations. 

If the FDA isn’t protecting us, how do we know our toothpaste is safe?

Now we all know we cant trust the “natural” label on the package as anyone can paste a natural label to it. When it comes to looking at the list of ingredients, it takes so much time to research them. Thats why I rely on EWG’s Skin Deep Database to help me research safe and effective products. The non-profit group Cornucopia Insitute came out recently with a toothpaste report and scorecard that ranks many toothpaste brands from best to worst, which is very beneficial to your search.

Check your toothpaste for these hazardous ingredients:

Artificial colors: Toothpaste has color additives that are deemed toxic to use. The main colors found in toothpaste are Red #33, Red #30, Blue #1, Yellow #5—and these brands target children due to bright colors. Artificial coloring are made from petroleum and carcinogens that contain heavy metals, such as mercury, arsenic, and lead. 

Carrageenan: This additive is linked to intestinal inflammation and cancer, even in small doses! Cornucopia sates, “there is no restriction on the amount of carcinogenic poligeenan in the grade of carrageenan used in toothpastes”. 

DEA (diethanolamine)

This is a foaming agent that interacts with various ingredients in toothpaste to create nitrosamines, which are correlated with cancer in humans. This chemical is also found within “natural” toothpastes. 

Formaldehyde-Releasing Preservatives:

Believe it or not, there is a long list of toothpaste preservatives that release little amounts of formaldehyde into your mouth. This is a carcinogen thats easily taken in through our mucosal lining of the mouth. Canada and Europe, both have very strong restrictions on formaldehyde, but not in America. In the U.S. companies aren't mandated to test their products for formaldehyde and don’t have to disclose this to the public. Watch out for these harmful preservatives:DMDM hydantoin, diazolidinyl urea, imidazolidinyl urea, polyoxymethylene urea, methenamine, quaternium-15, sodium hydroxymethylglycinate, 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol (Bromopol), 5-bromo-5-nitro-1,3 dioxane (Bronidox), and glyoxal.


Unless non-GMO verified or certified organic, you could be supporting Monsanto with the use of your toothpaste. Some GMO ingredients you should be aware of, and where the GMO crops usually derive from:Glycerin (GMO soy, cotton, or canola oil), Citric Acid (GMO sugar), Xanthan Gum (GMO sugar), Xylitol (GMO corn), and Lecithin (GMO soy).

Parabens: These endocrine-destabilizing chemicals mimic estrogen and lead to cancer, which is why they are banned in many countries. That’s not the case in the U.S. where they are commonly used as a preservative in toothpastes, shampoos, lotions, cosmetics and deodorants.

PEGs (polyethylene glycols) and Propylene Glycol: These ingredients make it easier for other chemicals in your toothpaste to enter the skin and enter into your bloodstream, exposing you to more toxins. PEGs are contaminated with 1,4-dioxane (a carcinogen) and although there is a way for companies to eliminate this chemical from their products – many choose to avoid doing so.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES): These foaming agents harm the protective lining in your mouth. SLES is another ingredient contaminated with the carcinogen 1,4-dioxane.

Should your toothpaste have Fluoride in it?

It has been told to us for many years that fluoride is effective at preventing cavities, but the effectiveness is highly controversial. In fact, almost 2/3rd of our water supply is filled with fluoride and arsenic. It’s enough to shock anyone. Fluoride is highly-toxic when massively accumulated in your body, and leads to bone cancer, thyroid disorders and skeletal fluorosis.

New research has found correlations with fluoride and type-2 diabetes. Its a much larger harmful risk for young children who swallow toothpaste more than adults do, which affects cognitive functions and causes teeth to be stained (yellow or brown). In America, many are drinking fluoride-filled water, packaged soups and beverages (made with fluoridated tap water), and from fruits and nuts. 

Popular Toothpaste brands to avoid all costs:

These common toothpastes are filled with toxic additives listed above ad have terrible ratings on Cornucopia’s scorecard. Sadly, these are popular brands that are filled in store shelves, and cost a lot to advertise. Here are the brands to avoid: 

• Crest 

• Colgate 

• Arm and Hammer

• Plus White Whitening

Watch out for some “natural” toothpastes too…

Tom’s of Maine, Honest, Jason, Desert Essence, Nature’s Gate, Spry and Kiss My Face toothpastes din’t do so well ranking-wise. I found this shocking as I’ve used these brands in the past without knowing the risks associated with them. These toothpastes have carrageenan, GMO’s, foaming agents, toxic contaminants inside them. 

Here are a list of safer brands out on the market that are best ranked from Cornucopia:

• Dr. Bronner’s All-One Toothpaste (Note: Dr. Bronner’s removed carrageenan this year, some online websites may have old ingredient listed.)

• Miessence Toothpaste

• Green People Toothpaste

• Weleda Toothpaste

• Real Purity Toothpaste

Top toothpaste picks for Children (although many of the above will work too):

• Jack N’ Jill Natural Toothpaste

• Green People Toothpaste

If you don’t see your favorite brand listed, go look at Cornucopia’s scorecard to determine what your toothpaste brand ranks and compares to others on the market. Cornucopia also has simple recipes to create your very own toothpaste in their report! If you have family or friends who brush their teeth with carcinogens, share this article to educate them about the harmful effects of the chemical ingredients used in their brand of toothpaste.


By Organic & Healthy

We aim to provide you with up-to-date, useful information about the world of organic living in mind, body and spirit.

Organic& is informational and acts as a learning portal for the increased awareness of important, non-biased news that you need to be aware of. We publish new information daily and endeavor to report the full story.

Our team comprises of nutritionists, and specialists from other areas of health and natural holistic living who offer their extensive experience to explain and transmit via this website. Our mission is to help anyone who wants to learn.

Be healthy stay healthy. You are what you eat and you feel how you think.

The Organic&Healthy Team.

(Source:; February 19, 2017;
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