Insurance companies aren’t covering cell phone and WiFi radiation exposure risk

Even though we covered insurance companies not wanting to do business with telecoms before – this information seems worth sharing again because of the current frenzied pace to install countless small cell towers in front of homes, etc.– above ground and below – in the U.S due to the insane “Race for 5G.”

5G being forced on Americans by elected officials, federal employees and “Big Wireless” despite knowing that this is harmful biologically and environmentally and that many are unaware and/or opposed to this. has a webpage devoted to insurance companies’ refusal to do business with Big Wireless anymore because it’s too risky:   Here’s a snippet:

Insurance companies do not want to insure for electromagnetic radiation because it is simply too risky. Please see on this webpage the reports, white papers and news articles where companies report on the issue.

“It may take two more decades to know if electromagnetic radiofrequency energy is a significant liability issue for telecommunications companies, so, in the interim, insurers are treating the risk as cautiously as a downed power line after a storm.

Insurers often exclude the risk from commercial general liability policies, strictly limit the coverage or avoid policyholders in the wireless industry, brokers say.” Roseanne White Geisel, 6/3/2007 Business Insurance

In 2014, The Wall Street Journal reported that 1 in 10 cell tower/antenna sites exceeded federal radiation regulations.  Unfortunately hundreds of thousands if not millions more are on the way because of the “Race for 5G.”  Concerned yet?


For full references please use source link below.

Video can be accessed at source link below.


Worried about what effect WiFi has on your body, your children or your animals?

Are your solar panels frying your brain without you even knowing?

All WiFi, cell phones, smart meters, phone towers and solar panels have a measurable impact upon your health!

NEXUS is selling Blushield technology products, because they work!

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We use Blushield in our NEXUS office and in our homes, and we have no hesitation in giving Blushield our strongest endorsement.  

For cell phones we also recommend and use the airtube earplugs, instead of wired earphones.

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Positive results for humans and animals

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Phi Series

The Phi series was created to bring the ABS plastic range of products to meet today’s requirements for protection from 5G and EMF and also for those who are concerned about price.


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By BN Frank
(Source:; October 20, 2018;
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