Herbicides link to Parkinson’s Disease - lawsuits update
Paraquat Parkinson’s Disease Lawsuits
Even Paraquat applicators who underwent special training to use the herbicide were not warned of Parkinson's disease risks, lawsuits claim.
UPDATED: November 2022
Exposure to the toxic herbicide Paraquat has been linked to a risk of Parkinson’s disease. Lawsuits are being reviewed for farm workers, transporters, mixers, herbicide applicators and others who have experienced problems.
STATUS OF PARAQUAT LAWSUITS: Free consultations and case evaluations are provided by Paraquat lawyers to determine if financial compensation may be available for Parkinson’s disease diagnosed following exposure to the herbicide.
2022 Paraquat Lawsuit Update: As Paraquat claims continue to mount, in September 2022 the EPA asked a federal court if it could reconsider its approval of Paraquat after a lawsuit challenged the Agency’s assessment of the Parkinson’s disease risk from Paraquat
Free Consultation With a Paraquat Lawyer
Exposure to the toxic herbicide Paraquat has been linked to a risk of Parkinson's disease.
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MANUFACTURERS: Chevron Chemical Company, Syngenta and other companies have sold a variety of paraquat-based herbicides, including:
- Gramoxone
- Paraquat Concentrate
- Blanco
- Cyclone SL 2.0
- Other Paraquat-based Herbicides
OVERVIEW: Paraquat (Methyl Viologen) is a herbicide used for weed and grass control first created in the early 1960s. It is known to be very toxic, with a high risk of paraquat poisoning if not handled appropriately.
As a result, Paraquat is a “Restricted Use Pesticide” (RUP) in the United States, and can only be purchased, mixed or applied by licensed paraquat applicators. It also has a color dye applied to make sure it is not confused with coffee, with a sharp odor added and a chemical agent that causes someone who ingests it to vomit. However, those precautions may not be enough to protect users from the health risks linked to Paraquat exposure.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns that Paraquat can enter the human body through absorption or penetration of the skin, as well as through mucous membranes, airways, cuts and abrasions, and via breathing it into the body or digestion through droplets introduced via the mouth, nose or airways.
Federal Paraquat litigation was centralized in June 2021 before U.S. District Judge Nancy J. Rosenstengel in the Southern District of Illinois, as part of an MDL or multidistrict litigation. She has set the first bellwether trial for November 2022.
PARAQUAT PARKINSON’S DISEASE RISK: Paraquat exposure can result in devastating health consequences for those who are exposed to the toxic pesticide, particularly licensed applicators who work with it on a regular basis. It has been linked to several serious health effects, including:
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Heart Failure
- Kidney Failure
- Liver Failure
- Lung Scarring
Parkinson’s disease is one of the most concerning risks associated with Paraquat, as the manufacturer has not adequately warned about this problem. It is believed that Paraquat creates oxidative stress in cells, which kills certain brain cells associated with the production of dopamine, which can lead to Parkinson’s disease.
Parkinson’s disease affects about 1 million Americans, and at least 6 million other people worldwide. The association between Paraquat exposure and Parkinson’s disease is so strong that scientists use Paraquat to induce Parkinson’s disease in animals for testing purposes.
FREE PARAQUAT LAWSUIT EVALUATION: Product liability lawyers provide free consultations and claim evaluations to help determine if financial compensation and settlement benefits may be available as a result of the manufacturers failure to warn about the link between Paraquat and Parkinson’s Disease. Lawsuits are being pursued nationwide for:
- Farmers and Farm Workers
- Herbicide Applicators
- Tank Filers and Transporters
- Gardeners, Groundskeepers and Municipal Workers
- Families Living Around Farming Communities