Kenneth Frazier, Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier, Merck CEO

'Grave disservice': Merck CEO warns against virus vaccine hopes

Note: We have the best readers. Thank you ME for sending me this article from Al Jazeera.  I had to read it a couple of times, I thought maybe I was being punked.


'Grave disservice': Merck CEO warns against virus vaccine hopes

Head of US pharmaceutical giant says health officials may not be able to distribute coronavirus vaccines widely enough.

Coronavirus vaccines under development are not guaranteed to work, and people who raise hopes of developing a vaccine before year-end are doing a "grave disservice to the public", Merck & Co Inc's chief said, according to a Harvard Business Review report.

The potential vaccines may not have the qualities needed to be rapidly deployed in large numbers, Chief Executive Kenneth Frazier said in an interview published on Monday.

"If you're going to use a vaccine on billions of people, you better know what that vaccine does," he was quoted as saying.

A United States official said Monday that drugmakers partnered with the US government are on track to begin actively manufacturing a COVID-19 vaccine by the end of the summer, Reuters reported.

The Trump administration aims to produce 300 million vaccine doses by the end of 2021 through its Operation Warp Speed Program.

Some previous vaccines "not only didn't confer protection, but actually helped the virus invade the cell, because it was incomplete in terms of its immunogenic properties," Frazier said. "So we have to be very careful."  Read more here.


(Source:; July 17, 2020;
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