Goldfish Crackers go “healthy”

52894AD3-9C0C-4290-B38C-7FB8DF27AD6CI saw this bag of Goldfish baked crackers in the Stop and Shop yesterday and was brought back to my own kitchen in Ohio, 19 years ago, when I hosted a neighborhood playgroup. Bella was just a month old. Mia and Gianna were 3 and 4 years old. I brought up the conversation about dye in food. I had printed out some information about red, yellow and other dyes and their effect on children and left it on the island where I was serving coffee and healthy snacks.  I remember being shocked that not a single Mom picked up the paper.

When I saw this bag of Goldfish touting "Non-GMO! Organic wheat! Color Free!" I was pleased to see progress.

Parents should have the choice of what to put into their children's bodies.




By Kim Rossi / Kim Rossi is Managing Editor for Age of Autism.
(Source:; October 7, 2019;
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