Give your kidneys a good cleanse with these 15 detox herbs

Here’s an interesting fact: Did you know that the body has six organs that help your body detoxify naturally? These organs include the kidneys, lungs, skin, lymph nodes, colon and the liver. They are, without a doubt, essential to the body’s daily functions.

The kidneys, in particular, are the body’s resident cleaners. They are responsible for regulating blood pressure, balancing water levels and adjusting the acidity in the body. If the kidneys were to fail on any of these functions, it could result in some unpleasant health conditions. Acute kidney failure can be caused a variety of reasons, ranging from dehydration to even pregnancy complications. One way you can save your bean-shaped organs is through kidney detoxification.

But how do you even detoxify them? For one, you can make lifestyle changes for the betterment of your health. Things like drinking more significantly more water and adopting a well-rounded diet can help with detoxification.

Another popular way to detoxify your kidneys is through consuming organic greens and kidney-cleansing herbal tea. Below you can find 15 herbs that can help you cleanse your kidneys.

15 kidney detox herbs you need to know of

  1. Dandelion roots — The dandelion’s bitter taste comes from its rich flavonoid concentration, which gives the herb its renowned blood purifying properties. According to a study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, dandelion roots possess diuretic properties that increase urine flow. This helps cleanse the kidneys and the liver by flushing out excess water. Dandelion roots also relieve urinary irritation and water retention.
  2. Stinging Nettle — Just like dandelion roots, stinging nettle contains diuretic properties that increase the flow of urine. The plant contains high vitamin C levels that help keep bacteria and infections at bay.
  3. Horsetail — This plant has both diuretic and antioxidant properties essential for cleansing the kidneys.
  4. Corn silk — Corn silk promotes urine production and helps rid the kidneys of water and wastes. Corn silk can be used to treat kidney stones, bladder infection, and urinary infection.
  5. Parsley — Parsley contains myristicin and apiol, which have powerful diuretic effects. Parsley helps increase urine production, which in turn clears the kidneys of harmful bacteria and germs. Numerous studies have long established parsley’s efficacy in kidney detoxification.
  6. Burdock root — This plant has shown potent diuretic properties, which help eliminate blood and body wastes.
  7. Uva Ursi — Uva Ursi contains the diuretic compound arbutin, a phenolic glycoside. The plant is shown to promote healthy pH levels in urine, preventing it from being too acidic. In addition, the herb also contains astringent properties that help flush out bacteria and toxins.
  8. Celery — Celery is a known diuretic since ancient times, and contains essential nutrients such as sodium and potassium that help facilitate kidney cleansing.
  9. Turmeric — Various studies have touted turmeric’s vast health benefits. Curcumin, the bright yellow compound found in turmeric, has powerful antioxidant properties that help cleanse the kidneys, purify the blood, and detoxify the liver. Turmeric also has strong anti-inflammatory properties that help treat or prevent kidney infections.
  10. Marshmallow — Not to be confused with the soft and fluffy treat, marshmallow plant leaves are potent diuretics that promote kidney health and fight off infections of the bladder, kidney, and urinary tract. You can add a tablespoon of dried marshmallow leaves and roots to a cup of hot water to make an effective detox tea.
  11. Seaweed — Seaweed contains spirulina and chlorella. Both byproducts are shown to effectively eliminate heavy metals from the body. Brown seaweed in particular helps promote kidney and liver detoxification.
  12. Cranberries — Numerous trials prove that eating cranberries helps address urinary tract infection.
  13. Ginger — Ginger shows robust anti-inflammatory properties that mitigate the effects of infection.
  14. Beets and spinach — Both vegetables contain high levels of vitamins and minerals essential for detoxifying the kidneys.
  15. Blueberries — These berries contain high levels of the antioxidant resveratrol, which helps eliminate uric acid deposits in the body. Blueberries help salvage kidney mitochondrial function and defer polycystic kidney disease progression.

The vitamins, nutrients and diuretic compounds in these plant-based foods can help you keep your kidneys in tip-top shape. For a much-needed detox, use these herbs to make herbal teas.

For full references please use source link below.


By Bobbi Bruce
(Source:; November 21, 2019;
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