Gates on CNBC
... suggests removing What's App messaging encryption will protect you
I wrote this post on my Kim Rossi Facebook page yesterday and I made it public. I've been pretty quiet on Facebook over the last couple of years, on my personal page. I post memories and the occasional sweet treat I've baked or some local news. Basta - enough. It's time to tell all your friends and family and colleagues what's going on. Removing encryption opens you to hacking, fraud, theft, safety issues galore. I excerpted information from NORTON security below. The more Gates interviews, the more he seems to be a few lines short of a fully working code.
Here is what I wrote on Facebook.
Do you use What's App to communicate when traveling or with family and friends overseas? Bill Gates wants to remove encryption safety to make sure big tech can read your content. See the article below. He wants to protect YOU from two evil groups - Pedophiles and Anti-vaxxers. I am a nationally known "anti-vaxxer" which means I learned from my family's sacrifice and seek to inform and warn others. I use humor mostly. But it ain't no fun. I fight for YOUR RIGHT to say yes OR no. I am pro-choice. I resent and am disgusted by Gate's conflating pedophilia and "anti-vaccine." BTW, If you aren't already 100% decided to take the very first Covid FrankenVax and give it to your children and elderly parents too, and I mean the fresh off the pharma line first shots from whatever manufacturer crosses the phinish (sic) line first, - then welcome to the anti-vax club. We'll send you the secret decoder ring in the mail. Unless Gates hacks it....... Kim
Bill Gates: Lies spread faster than facts on social media, which is hard to police
“Some of the messages on their platform, they don’t even see because of the encryption on WhatsApp,” Gates said. “In order to not have any responsibility, they’ve made that opaque. You know, so whatever the issues — anti-vaccine, child pornography — they have made sure they can’t intervene on those things.”
3 reasons why encryption matters
Why is encryption important? Here are three reasons:
1. Internet privacy concerns are real
Encryption helps protect your online privacy by turning personal information into “for your eyes only” messages intended only for the parties that need them — and no one else.
You should make sure that your emails are being sent over an encrypted connection, or that you are encrypting each message.
Most email clients come with the option for encryption in their Settings menu, and if you check your email with a web browser, take a moment to ensure that SSL encryption is available.
2. Hacking is big business
Cybercrime is a global business, often run by multinational outfits.
Many of the large-scale data breaches that you may have heard about in the news demonstrate that cybercriminals are often out to steal personal information for financial gain.
3. Regulations demand it
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires healthcare providers to implement security features that help protect patients’ sensitive health information online.
Institutions of higher learning must take similar steps under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) to protect student records.
Retailers must contend with the Fair Credit Practices Act (FCPA) and similar laws that help protect consumers.
Encryption helps businesses stay compliant with regulatory requirements and standards. It also helps protect the valuable data of their customers.