Former vaccine advocate Dr. Aseem Malhotra exposes the pharma-corrupted state of medicine
... in Masterful Presentation
"What's the overall net effect of the pharmaceutical industry? Certainly in the last few decades, it's very clear, it's been negative."
Sep 28
Earlier today (9/27/22), during a press conference with the World Council for Health, Dr. Aseem Malhotra prepared a thorough and expertly-crafted presentation, detailing the many levels of deceit and fraud involving the pharmaceutical industry. The entire presentation was nothing short of amazing, and I encourage everyone to watch the whole thing. But for a brief summary, I've prepared four clips (combined into one) for the above video.
Clip #1 - Dr. Aseem Malhotra: I Was Willfully Blind Until I Wasn't
Dr. Malhotra was once a strong advocate for the COVID jab, but after the unexpected death of his healthy father due to heart complications after taking two shots, Aseem turned away from willful blindness, deep-dived for the truth, and did a complete 180 from his original stance.
"I was willfully blind, certainly in relation to the vaccine and the harms, until I wasn't. And that's why it's crucial that we tackle this both with compassion (and the facts) because there are many people who are still willfully blind. And I think remaining in echo chambers and pointing fingers isn't getting us anywhere."
Agreed. As much as we'd like to criticize the compliant, calling them "sheep" or blaming them isn't going to do us any good. It will, in most cases, cause them to further distance themselves from us. We must understand the fearporn was off the charts, clouded judgement, and that not everyone has a skeptical nerve in their body.
"The way to tackle it [breaking others out of willful blindness] is really with the facts and to speak with empathy to people. And that's what I think we need to be doing now as we move forward."
For the rest of this article please go to source link below.
Video can be accessed at source link below.