Fluoride toxicity research

This is a 1964 film demonstrating the toxicity of small amounts of fluoride applied to mouse connective tissue cells. It was innovative in its use of time-lapse cinematography of a microscopic image.

Fluoride Toxicity Research. 1962 Video.

Youtube video 14 Mins 29 Secs.

Includes time-lapse photography of murine (mouse) connective tissue.


For extra reference and information please read on:

Australian Capital Territory.  Inquiry into Fluoridation 1989 ~ 1991. Dissenting Report by Dennis R Stevenson, MLA... PDF file - 98 pages. PDF

P 133: Introduction: (Brief notes). It is my view that a careful analysis of the evidence presented to the ACT Legislative Assembly Committee of Inquiry reveals that artificial fluoridation has serious adverse health effects, and should cease. 

Dr. Philip Sutton - Australian Dental Scientist. Fortunately it is not necessary to understand more than a small proportion of the known facts in order to make a rational decision whether to accept or reject this process as a public health measure.  


P 134: Before the introduction of artificial fluoridation to Canberra in 1964, Dr W Gibbs, Member for Bowman, Queensland, said in the Commonwealth Parliament: It is my deeply rooted belief that no measure should be adopted in the name of public health unless there is complete certainty that that measure is completely innocuous [harmless]. There could be nothing comparative about this.There must be no possibility of damage even to one human being... 

***A Supreme Court Verdict: The trial brought into my Court experts on the subject of fluoridation, and I meticulously considered the objective evidence. In my view the evidence is quite convincing that the addition of sodium fluoride to the public water supply at one part per million is extremely deleterious to the human body, and, a review of the evidence will disclose that there was no convincing evidence to the contrary. John P Flaherty, Justice, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, USA. Decree, Pittsburgh ‘78.    


P 135: Dr Edward C Hamlyn, Medical Advisor to the House of Commons All Party Committee on Freedom of Information made the following testimony: … my curiosity to discover the truth soon led me to realise that my medical teaching had been quite incorrect. All the data I had been given on fluoridation by the medical authorities was basically untrue. The data had in it sufficient truth to make it credible, but was so slanted and curved as to lead one to a conclusion which was entirely false. 

Similarly the two Government Enquiries in Australia, the Tasmanian Royal Commission report of 1968, and the Victorian Government report into Fluoridation of 1980, received, but did not include, similar information. 

***In 1944, the Journal of the American Dental Association warned: We do know the use of drinking water containing as little as 1.2 to 3.0 parts per million of fluorine will cause such development disturbances in bones as osteosclerosis [abnormal hardening and increasing density of bone], spondylosis [degenerative change in the vertebra], and osteopetrosis [a form of osteosclerosis occurring mostly in children], as well as Goitre [an enlargement of the Thyroid gland - and we cannot afford to run the risk of producing such serious systemic disturbances in applying what is at present a doubtful procedure intended to prevent development of dental disfigurements among children. 


P 136: Strangely, little publicity has been given to these facts either in the popular media or scientific literature in Australia. As a result Australia now remains one of the few fluoridated countries in the world. In 1972, the Federal Health Minister, Dr Everingham asked his Department’s Director General for clear scientific evidence to refute the contentions of a number of leading scientists, concerning the health dangers of artificial fluoridation. Dr Everingham, after three years, received none… He concluded ‘...authorities in Australia, USA, and the World Health Organisation and elsewhere are engaged in inaccuracies which I can explain only as probable face-saving reactions, conscious or unconscious, of a sort quite common in orthodox professions and bureaucracies. 


P 138: The responsibility for proving that fluoridation is safe, that it reduces caries, and that is not a mass medication - all of what is claimed - should rest logically with the supporters of artificial fluoridation who have persisted in these claims. A study of the world-wide fluoride literature submitted to the ACT Inquiry, reveals that such claims are misleading and possibly unethical. Such claims in fact may conceal serious health dangers. 

***Those who have suffered ill health are not the only victims of water fluoridation - truth also has been a casualty in the debate. The U.S. Chemical and Engineering News in a special issue on fluoridation reported: From the beginning, the movement to fluoridate water was conducted more like a political campaign than a scientific enterprise.   


P 139: Past President of the American Medical Association, Dr Charles G Heyd, made the following statement: The plain fact that fluorine is an insidious poison, harmful, toxic and cumulative in its effects, even when ingested in minimal amounts, will remain unchanged no matter how many times it will be repeated in print that fluoridation of the water supply is ‘safe.’ Compare this with what the ACT Inquiry chooses to quote from a submission by the ACT dental group: Unsubstantiated claims of adverse effects of fluoride in the control of dental caries have been made for almost 50 years.


P 141: Proponents of artificial fluoridation would seem to believe that one milligram of fluoride taken daily, either in tablet form or ingested in one litre of fluoridated water, enters the body, circulates in the bloodstream and somehow finds its way to the teeth. They ignore any evidence that fluoride can have a cumulative adverse effect on bones and that it can and does accumulate in the heart, the brain, kidneys, parathyroid gland, and other cells and tissues of the body… 

***Fluorides are violent poisons to all living tissues because of their precipitation of calcium. They cause fall of blood pressure, respiratory failure, and general paralysis. Continuous ingestion of non-fatal doses cause permanent inhibition of growth. Dr Ludwik Gross, Cancer Research Scientist. 


P 142: The Victorian Inquiry Committee failed to handle these vital issues by either incorrectly reporting the facts, or ignoring the questions. On the question or fluoride build up in soft tissue they state: Soft tissues do not accumulate fluoride regardless of the level of absorbed fluoride or the duration of exposure. However: Recorded data of the occurrence of fluoride in soft tissue goes back to 1869, when Horsford reported the presence of fluoride in brain tissue. In 1913 Gautier and Claussman found fluoride in the skin of a new-born girl ranging from 1 - 13 ppm, but in a 70 year old man the range was 146-164ppm. 


By Doug Cragoe
(Source: youtube.com; https://youtu.be/RBsDQPRt-5Q)
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