Five minute daily plank workout

Reviewed byTara Laferrara, CPT

Want to improve your core strength, but don't think you have enough time? If you're unsure of which exercises will get the job done efficiently, you're not alone.

Confusion on how to exercise, or how much time to spend working out, might cause you to neglect your core muscles altogether. But targeted core workouts that include plank exercises can help build a foundation for strength and stability.

The Importance of Core Strength

Core muscles include both the deep and shallow muscles of the trunk. Your core provides support for everyday life and stability to take on more advanced exercises. Without a solid core routine, underlying weaknesses can make you more prone to injury. Core strength is a crucial component of functional fitness.

Benefits of a Strong Core

Performing a consistent and effective core workout provides benefits including:

  • A stabilized spinal column
  • Enhanced movement
  • Ideal alignment and posture
  • Improved balance

Risks of a Weak Core

When the core is not exercised on a regular basis, it can become weak, which increases the risk of:

  • Compressed posterior joints of the lumbar spine
  • Excessive anterior/posterior leaning of the pelvis
  • Poor posture
  • Low back pain or discomfort
  • Muscle tension and tightness

Core exercises optimize muscular strength and stability. A strong core prevents injuries to the knees, hip joints, and lumbar spine. Core muscle stability helps relieve back pain by supporting good posture.

Build Core Strength With Planks

Developing a strong core will provide a better workout experience. It will round out your fitness program and help you maintain good form throughout each movement. You may already be familiar with some common core exercises, including crunches and bridges.

One of the best ways to strengthen your core is through planks. Studies show that planks produce excellent core muscle activation, which supports the recommendation of planks for both trained athletes and exercisers alike.1

5-Minute Daily Plank Workout

The following 5-minute plank workout offers a quick and effective exercise routine that includes a variety of planks to strengthen your core each day. Before you get started, warm up. You might opt for a brisk 1 to 2 minute walk or jog followed by a light stretches.

To reach the full five minutes, perform each of the following plank exercises twice in a row.

Straight Arm Plank

  1. Start in a push-up position on the floor with your arms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Your hands should be under your shoulders.
  2. Maintain straight arms, with toes tucked.
  3. Keep your core tight and body straight from head to toe. Avoid sagging at the hips or dipping your head.
  4. Breathe through this exercise for 30 seconds.

It's OK if it takes time to build up to the recommended exercise time. Focus on progress, not perfection.

Modification: To make this exercise easier, perform the plank from your knees instead of your toes. You can also hold the exercise for a shorter amount of time if needed.

Reverse Plank

  1. Sit on an exercise mat with your legs extended out in front of you.
  2. Place your palms, fingers spread wide, on the floor slightly behind you. They should be positioned outside of your hips.
  3. Press into your palms while lifting your hips and torso toward the ceiling.
  4. Look up to the ceiling, point your toes, and keep your arms and legs straight.
  5. Keep your entire body engaged to form a straight line from your head to your heels.
  6. Tighten your core and focus on pulling your belly button back toward your spine.
  7. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

Modification: To modify the reverse plank, perform the exercise while resting on your forearms. Keep elbows at a 90-degree angle.

Forearm Side Plank

  1. Lie down on your right side on an exercise mat with your legs extended (right leg will be placed directly on the left leg with your feet stacked).
  2. Place your right elbow directly under your shoulder resting on the forearm (at a 90-degree angle).
  3. Keep your head and spine neutral. Your right hip and knee will remain in contact with the floor.
  4. Engage your core to lift your hips and knees off the floor.
  5. Hold this plank for 30 seconds.
  6. Repeat on the other side to complete the set. 

Modification: Perform this side plank exercise with slightly bent legs. Keep your knees in contact with the floor to make the move easier.

Pyramid Plank

  1. Start in a plank position with your forearms on an exercise mat. Maintain a tight core and begin pressing your hips toward the ceiling.
  2. Remain on your forearms, and gently press your heels toward the floor (think of an upside-down "V" shape). Allow for a soft bend in your knees if your hamstrings are tight.
  3. Hold the position briefly, and then lower your hips to return to the plank position.
  4. Push up onto your hands and move your body into a Downward Dog yoga position (hips raised again toward the ceiling) while maintaining a tight core and a neutral spine.
  5. Stretch your heels and chest toward the floor simultaneously.
  6. Slowly return to the plank position on your forearms.
  7. Repeat exercise for 30 seconds.

Modification: You can also perform this exercise from your knees.

A Word From Verywell

Building a strong core is essential for achieving total body strength and stability. Core exercises reduce your risk of injury, relieve lower back pain, and promote good posture. Planks are an effective way to stimulate your core muscles and gain maximum benefits from your time spent working out.

Believe it or not, it is possible to strengthen your core in just five minutes per day. If you can't get through the entire workout as outlined, don't sweat it. Just do what you can, and build up your strength over time.

As always, be sure to consult your physician or other healthcare professional before starting this or any other exercise program.


By Darla Leal / Personal Trainer, Freelance Writer, Consultant, Coach


Sports Nutrition, Personal Training, Competitive Fitness


Sierra College, Healing Arts Institute, California State University, Sacramento


  • Master Fitness Trainer, consultant, and coach
  • Creator of Stay Healthy Fitness sharing her "fit-over-55" lifestyle
  • Fitness competitor with over 25 years of experience in the health and fitness industry


Darla Leal began her health and fitness career teaching group exercise classes and workshops to surrounding gyms in the Roseville, California area. She became a personal trainer and during that time entered her first international fitness competition. Her strong sports background and international team coaching experience demanded her attention to appropriate nutrition and exercise programming.

Her wealth of knowledge on human anatomy, physical fitness and nutrition continued through college, international workshops, certifications, and working with people for many years. Darla has been a Master Fitness Trainer for over twenty years and qualified fitness expert currently running her Stay Healthy Fitness business. Her experience allows for a diverse clientele from competitor to the everyday person wanting to lose weight and tone. She also has a passion for those with injury and has successfully helped many people improve the quality of their life.

She is a healthy recipe developer and her nutrition articles are featured monthly in Natural Muscle Magazine for over five years. Her passion to develop nutrient dense recipes for healthy living earned her a spot as a contributing writer for Natural Muscle Magazine. Darla's recipes and side bar health tips are featured monthly. She is a qualified fitness expert and motivator who has dedicated her life to helping people stay healthy. Darla is also an avid health blogger sharing her "fit-over-55" lifestyle, motivation and fitness tips weekly on her Stay Healthy Fitness Blog.

She believes fitness is a journey, not a destination and we are all works in progress. Darla does not teach a one size fits all health and fitness program, nor does she believe in perfection. Progress is on her menu and striving to be our best healthy self is always the goal.

When Darla isn't working with clients or writing, she can be found sharing quality time with her husband, family, and guaranteed she is whipping up something healthy in the kitchen.


Darla holds two Associate of Science degrees in biological science and natural life science, human anatomy focus. She has completed specialized nutrition courses at the collegiate and international workshop level.

She maintains international fitness certifications through the Athletics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA) and remains a member in good standing. Darla also maintains her status as an International Women's Tri-Fitness Coach. In addition, she has completed an advanced Certified Massage Practitioner certification specializing in sports and deep tissue.

She has received Intensive Medic First Aid Training, CPR Certified, and is licensed and insured. Her writing skill set has earned her national awareness being featured in Natural Muscle Magazine, her personal blog, and other critically acclaimed published works. She also contributes her life experience and working with wonderful women and men for many years as an important part of her educational process.

(Source:; March 3, 2021;
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