FDA threatens homeopathy – congressional action needed

Help Save Homeopathy!

The FDA wants to up-end the homeopathic industry—because it’s become too popular. Help us stop this insanity! Action Alert! 

The FDA has tossed out the guidance that previously governed homoeopathy and has proposed a new framework that threatens the entire industry.

Long-time natural health champion Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Rep. Ryan Costello (R-PA) are spearheading efforts in Congress to correct this overreach. They are preparing sign-on letters which argue that the FDA should not completely withdraw the previous regulatory framework (Compliance Policy Guide 400.400) for homeopathic products.

A few weeks ago, we told you about the FDA’s latest action against homeopathic products. The agency’s new position is technically that every homeopathic product on the market is being sold illegally because 1) no homeopathic drug has been determined to be generally recognized as safe and effective (which is required for a drug to be sold over-the-counter) and 2) no homeopathic drug has gone through the FDA’s new drug approval process.

With the FDA’s new guidance, homeopathic products will be subject to the same rules as other over-the-counter drugs or new drugs—a move that could eliminate many homeopathic products from the market. New drug approval for homeopathic products is burdensome, duplicative, and inappropriate. The Homœopathic Pharmacopœia of the United States (HPUS) establishes standards for homeopathic products to follow. An ingredient’s inclusion in HPUS means that it has been determined to be safe and effective by the Homœopathic Pharmacopœia Convention of the US. In essence, then, homeopathic products have undergone premarket reviews for safety and effectiveness; requiring further review, or expensive testing to confirm safety and effectiveness, is unnecessary and would impose tremendous regulatory costs on the homeopathic industry. Others have also pointed out that this is in fact a higher regulatory threshold than that applied to allopathic over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, since many OTC drugs can be sold as long as they comply with an FDA OTC monograph.

The FDA excluded homeopathic drugs from the new drug approval process and the over-the-counter review process for decades because they were viewed, appropriately, as a separate category of medicine. The reason for the FDA’s change of heart is the growth of the homeopathic industry—growth which no doubt threatens the bottom line of the drug manufacturers that work closely with the FDA.

Since 1988, Compliance Policy Guide 400.400 has served as the FDA’s blueprint for the regulation of homeopathy. It clearly defines homeopathic drugs as “any drug labeled as being homeopathic which is listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States,” and it appropriately exempts homeopathic products from certain rules and regulations that apply to pharmaceutical drugs. This policy covers labeling requirements for homeopathic products and states that the FDA will focus enforcement actions against companies who fail to comply with 400.400.

Compliance Policy Guide 400.400 worked. Homeopathic drugs manufactured in conformance with the HPUS and current good manufacturing practice do not pose a public health risk; nothing is safer than homeopathic preparations. A World Health Organization report on homeopathic products concluded that “Adverse events occurring during homeopathic treatment are rarely attributed to the homeopathic medicine itself.”

Considering the myriad public health problems facing this country, including the opioid epidemic and the overuse of antibiotics, it is ludicrous that the agency is focusing on homeopathic drugs. Could it be that, like supplements, homeopathic drugs compete with pharmaceutical drugs? Recall, too, that the FDA has announced that they are targeting alternatives to opioids in the midst of an epidemic of opioid addiction that is killing 115 Americans every day.

We must encourage our senators and representatives to sign on to the Hatch and Costello letters and send a clear message to the FDA: the previous regulatory policy was sufficient to ensure consumer access to safe homeopathic remedies, and we don’t need to fix what isn’t broken.

Action Alert! Write to your elected officials and urge them to support reigning in FDA overreach in regulating homeopathic products. Please send your message immediately.




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What We Believe and What We Do

The Alliance for Natural Health USA (ANH-USA) is committed to sustainable health, the recognition that true health requires a proactive and preventive approach that focuses on a nutrient-rich diet, proper supplementation, and limiting our exposure to toxic substances. A system that is single-mindedly focused on “treating” sick people with expensive drugs, rather than maintaining healthy people, is neither practical nor economically sustainable.

ANH-USA is part of an international organization dedicated to promoting natural and sustainable health—and, in particular, consumer freedom of choice in healthcare—through good science and good law:

  • Since our founding in 1992, we have worked to shift the conventional medical paradigm from an exclusive focus on surgery, drugs, and other conventional techniques to an integrative approach incorporating functional foods, dietary supplements, and lifestyle changes. We believe this is the way to improve health and extend lives while reducing the costs of healthcare back to a sustainable level.
  • Sustainable health also applies the environmental ethic of conservation to our bodies. It urges us to live as nature intended us to live. Diet, nutritional supplements, exercise, and the avoidance of toxins are especially important tools in building and maintaining health.
  • Sustainable health is also about financial sustainability. Ever higher healthcare costs lead directly to higher unemployment and lower standards of living, both of which lead to more illness.
  • Today, preventive medicine is too often defined as taking more and more drugs at an earlier and earlier age, even in childhood. The concept of sustainable health is real preventive medicine and will dramatically reduce healthcare costs.

To this end, ANH-USA actively engages in legal initiatives, standing against forces that would limit your access to safe and effective dietary supplements, complementary therapies, and integrative medicines. We lobby Congress and state legislatures, act as a government watchdog, file comments on proposed rulemakings, and educate the public, the media, and other decision-makers.

Our most important tools:

  • A strong grassroots member base that is ready to act on a minute’s notice. ANH-USA is fortunate to have a dynamic, fast growing member base that collectively presents a unified front and demands their collective voice be heard. Thank you, members!
  • Effective lobbying. ANH-USA monitors legislation and regulatory activity on the state, federal, and international levels daily. Staying apprised of the domestic and global pulse on integrative medicine assists greatly in developing policy to advance integrative medicine.
  • Litigation. The court system has a role in protecting integrative medicine and a consumers’ right to choose. When it is required, ANH intervenes, through legal action, to protect the rights of the public.
  • Strategic coalitions. Collaboration is the most effective means to further a cause. ANH-USA has been highly effective in building long-term relationships with outside groups, members on the Hill, medical societies, and consumers from all walks of life.
  • Timely education campaigns. The timely launch of public educational campaigns is key to increasing support and recognition of key issues while furthering our overall cause.

Working closely with the media. Media can be a friend or a foe and whichever it may be, media is imperative to quickly disseminate a message. ANH-USA works collaboratively with the media to increase coverage of important natural health-related issues.

(Source: anh-usa.org; March 15, 2018; https://tinyurl.com/y7opq5lb)
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