Emerald stones

Emerald stones are known as a stone of successful and abundant love.

They are highly beneficial as they embody a powerful heart chakra based energy.

Their energy stimulates infinite patience, brings balance and clarity of thought and boosts manifestation of wealth.

They emit the green ray, a vibration that will open the heart chakra and and help to draw love into your life

By helping you to let go of negativity, these crystals create positive actions and outcomes.

These lovely green stones are powerful to increase the level of wealth, abundance, prosperity and growth in your life, including the growth of money.

They are beautiful healing crystals for you to use.

They are highly sought after as one of the most valued stones, as from within them emerges the purest form of green ray energy. 

Where Is It From? Emerald Meaning

The name Emerald has been in use for thousands of years so there are a few theories about the meaning of the name.

The name of this green crystal is said to come from an old middle English and French word esmeraude, and the word Emerald was first used in a dictionary in the 14th century.

Some other sources say it came from the Greek word meaning green stone. They are the green variety of Beryl and the natural stones are popular stones for jewelry.

Colombian Emerald is one of the most valued gemstones on the market.

This may possibly be because they are reputed to be high quality stones and make beautiful gemstone jewelry.

Deposits of this green variety of beryl have been found in India, Russia, Zimbabwe, Africa, Egypt, Austria, Brazil and of course in Columbia where top quality gems come from.

Their color may occur in various shades of green, but although some are darker and other a little lighter, all of these gemstones have a lovely clear natural green color.

Natural or raw emerald is easy to buy, and is some of the most common emerald selling by crystals healers as it has excellent metaphysical properties.

How Will Emerald Stones Help You?

The metaphysical meaning of this stone has historically been associated with growth and improvement of your life.

In particular its energy may heighten the growth of love, wealth and prosperity.

Their vibration may stimulate growth in many areas but is known to be especially potent to stimulate increased love, prosperity, abundance, wealth and the growth of money.

Within all of nature, in the plants and the grass and the trees you can see this clear green color, and the energy of the green ray.

The energy of nature itself is embodied within stones that carry the green ray, like these green stones. 

These natural crystals boost your strength to overcome problems in your life. 

Buy Emerald Stone from Exquisite Crystals a most trusted crystal seller.

Raw Emerald Stone

This lovely stone has many excellent metaphysical qualities, which is why it was chosen to be a May birthstone.

It is commonly used in engagement rings, as it has a strong loving vibration.

Their energy has an excellent effect on the way you think, bringing balance and clarity of thought, and may enhance your self confidence and self esteem.

They are stones of boundless patience, assisting you to feel more patient when things are going awry and may boost the intensity of loving energy in your life..

Benefits Of Emeralds

There are a large number of Emerald benefits, and in particular they have strong metaphysical properties that help to improve relationships.

If you feel that you could benefit by a more loving relationship, and all of us could, keep a piece of this crystal in the area where you spend the most time.

You will also find that if you meditate with green Emerald stones of some type, you may receive answers about what steps to take to improve your relationships. 

You are all Divine Beings, in a physical body, yet many of you have blocks to living an abundant life. 

The raw stones are easy to obtain and they bring many benefits. Using these lovely green stones will encourage the abundance of loving energies to flow through you. 

Bringing this beautiful green heart chakra and thymus or higher heart chakra stone into your life

It teaches you the value of all of the loving attributes that are epitomized by its energy.

Natural crystals could be used to aid you, and they are beneficial if you desire to bring any of their loving attributes into their life.

Using these green crystals is an excellent stress relief method and help to encourage clearer thinking, insight and greater understanding.

These stones are known to improve your memory and may boost your ability to recall details when required, and are known to help to bring relief from pain in muscles and joints.

They may help to calm upset emotions and may create positive vibrations, to help you bypass blocks that are holding you back from your potential good.

Their loving energy is needed more and more by all of us to enhance our lives.

They are wonderful to use in meditation, as they aid Spiritual healing, as they encourage you to live life from a spiritual, heart based perspective. 

Use For Manifestation Of Abundance, Prosperity & Wealth

Emerald stones have an excellent vibration and powerful metaphysical properties that increase abundance, prosperity and money. 

They are well known stones of manifestation that stimulate the growth of wealth and their energy is powerful to improve your life.

These green stones have powerful metaphysical properties to manifest abundance in many other areas as well as money.

You all know that of course money is necessary in life, and the expansion of wealth in your life benefits you in many ways.

Although today's society seems to concentrate on the attributes of manifesting things, including money, this stone also brings through much more. 

Wealth can also relate to having plenty in other areas of life, and these crystals can assist you with the manifestation of this ideal. 

You may desire to use this stone to help you to manifest loving attributes, improved relationships, good health and a peaceful, loving and harmonious existence.

If wish to learn how to stay happy, you might like to have this stone in your life.

It may also boost your ability to persist if you are frustrated by how long things are taking to manifest.

An increase of prosperity in your life on all levels, may be the natural result of having the energy of these green crystals in your life, and its action to boost your patience is also quite powerful.

Who Should Use It? The Green Ray Within Your Life

The green ray is embodied within these lovely stones, and it encourages you to have respect for all life and all of creation.

As you feel this respect within you, it may prompt you to live life in a more loving way. You may find that your love and emotions begin to resonate with Divine Love.

This is the purest and highest form of love in existence, and you begin living your life from a spiritual, heart based perspective.

Emerald Stone

Feelings such as compassion, hope, loyalty, encouragement, reassurance, gentleness, kindness, goodness and of course unconditional love, are connected with these emotions, and with all the blessings that are in your life.

I love emerald gemstones and wear one in my engagement ring every day, but for their metaphysical attributes to benefit you don't need an expensive stone.

An excellent alternative is to use natural emerald stones, as one that isn't cleaned up and polished will work as well as the polished ones.

All types of natural stones, including rough or natural pieces like the ones shown here, emit this energy and have an effect on the emotions that are within you.

It will still give you the powerful metaphysical properties that are embodied in this stone but at a lower cost.

Using Natural Emeralds

Emerald stones are easy to buy, and you can buy natural stone pieces quite easily. 

If you wish, another easy way is to buy beads made from these green stones.

These could be gem quality, but even if they are not, they are lovely to make into lovely bead necklaces.

Emerald Stone

They may be mixed with other crystal beads for different metaphysical effects. Some people assume that this stone will be expensive, so they ignore its attributes. 

The important thing to realize, is to keep whatever variety of crystal within your aura for as long as possible.

Emerald Healing Properties

Natural emerald stones are not expensive and if you are using them for healing they have powerful metaphysical and healing properties.

The more time it has to effect you, the more beneficial will be the influence it can produce within your entire system.

This stone has a number of helpful healing attributes including helping to improve health problems causing infertility.

They are known to relieve issues in the eyes, and are also helpful to keep on the body to ease issues in the spine, the bones and muscular system and may also help disorders of the lungs.

These heart based stones not only are known for helping to soothe and calm emotionally related issues, but may also help physical issues in the heart and lung area.

How To Use It: Wearing Emeralds

If ever you get to choose a love token ring, like an engagement ring, a genuine emerald gemstone ring is a beautiful choice, as it symbolizes deep love and commitment to your lover.

I was blessed by being given an engagement ring containing these stones in combination with a diamond, and benefit from wearing this lovely gemstone every day.

These are stones of infinite love and truth, and are powerful gemstones to gift a loved one, especially if you have a strong spiritual connection between you. 

These green stones are a May birthstone, so it is on the birthstone list by month

Blessings that they bring to your relationship includes increased loyalty, honesty and integrity.

They are powerful aids to utilize if you are searching for a way to improve the flow of love between you and your partner.

Emerald stone jewelry is availableand there are some quite unique and beautiful pieces being sold at reasonable prices.

It is possible to buy jewelry made from natural emerald stones, like the one pictured above.

This is natural Emerald stone intergrown with pale pink Rose Quartz Crystal

These lovely green stones are birthstones for a number of signs, so you will see them on the zodiac birthstone list.

Emerald jewelry is beautiful to wear, and the loving energy of this stone worn constantly will be highly beneficial.

It is highly beneficial to help relationships and this may benefit your love life. In addition its overall energy has many strong and useful qualities. 

The energy of this crystal as a love stone is so well-known, that men's gemstone rings made form this stone can now be bought at good jewelers.  

Emerald gemstones are made into a range of lovely bracelets and rings, including birthstone rings. It is a Gemini birthstone, as well as a Taurus, Leo and an Aries birthstone.

Emit Energy Of Unconditional Abundant Love

Emerald stones have a beautiful energy, that helps you to release negativity and boost patience.

They embody the green ray, and this emits a loving heart based energy into your life.

Once you have a piece of this stone within your aura and feel its abundant and loving energy, you will be grateful that you made an excellent choice to add this green stone to your life.

Many of you may live busy stress filled lives, so making the time to stop and meditate each day is of value.

Holding a piece of this stone while you meditate may aid you to increase the level of loving energy in your life.

I have a few small cloth bags, and these are good because I can use them to hold any of my tumblestones or rough crystals. I can even put it under my pillow at night. 

Its good to hold stones that I have in my pocket during the day, so I don't lose them.

Many people use this method, as it allows you to change the variety of crystal you feel you need more easily. Its easy to carry a rough piece of this stone on your body every day using this method.

Alternatively use a macrame crystal holder to wear the stone on your body with ease.

They come in a range of sizes and colors and its easy to change the stone too, when you want to work with something else.

Best Crystals To Use With Emerald Stones

What are the best crystals to use with Emerald Gemstones?

There are a number of crystals below that combine well with these gorgeous green stones.

Pale Green Hiddenite has a lovely energy and like some of the other green stones will combine well with Emeralds to aid emotional healing.

Other stones that may also assist your emotional healing, and that can be combined with Emeralds include Mangano Calcite and Lepidolite.

Within the heart chakra stones there are many good combinations, if you wish to use other green colored stones in combination with Emerald stones.

This includes Green Aventurine, Variscite, Moldavite and Green Amethyst.

You may also choose to combine it with any of the pink heart chakra stones as this will be beneficial as they all work well together.

These stones include Tugtupite, Pink Kunzite, Inesite and Rose Quartz Crystal, and another beryl variety with a loving energy, the lovely Pink Morganite.

These green gemstones or crystals are known as stones of infinite patience, and this can be highly beneficial if you are a person who finds it hard to calmly wait for something to happen.

There are a number of other crystals for patience that you could also combine with these green stones to help you.

This includes Vatican Stone which is also called Frosterley Marble, Colemanite, Petrified Wood and Dumortierite.

If you have problems with pain in your muscles this green stones may be helpful.

To increase the action to relieve pain you might like to use it with some of the stones known to relieve pain in your muscles and joints.

Other stones that will help diminish the pain of muscular problems includes Malachite, Spessartine Garnet, Blue Calcite and Kammererite.

If you want to use this stone to enhance your memory, use it with one or more of the stones that are known as crystals that stimulate your memory.

Other stones that produce a good result to improve your memory includes Diaspore, Herderite, Azurite and Hematite.

It may be beneficial to use Emerald stones with other members of the Beryl family such as the colorless or White Beryl called Goshenite which is known to aid you to be more truthful.

You may combine any of the other varieties of Beryl with this stone, including the lovely Pink or Peach Morganite.

Bixbite is an uncommon sometimes rare raspberry red beryl and the yellow to yellow green beryl is Heliodor and the blue to blue-green stone is called Aquamarine.

Emerald Stones Meanings Properties & Uses

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.


By Liz Oakes
(Source: healing-crystals-for-you.com; February 28, 2022; https://tinyurl.com/2p8pnmxf)
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