Ear acupuncture effective at improving, maintaining effectiveness of substance abuse treatment outcomes

A recent study published in the journal Behavioural Science suggests using ear acupuncture as an adjunct therapy for those undergoing substance abuse treatment. In the study, the researchers used the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association protocol (NADA) to determine whether it can improve and sustain treatment outcomes when used in concert with traditional therapy.

  • For this randomized prospective study, researchers used NADA — a therapy that uses one to five invariant ear acupuncture and acupressure points — together with traditional treatment to determine whether the combination positively affects the following outcomes: quality of life, depression, anxiety, and abstinence from substance abuse.
  • The participants were from the Keystone Substance Abuse Service — Winthrop University Department of Sociology and Anthropology NADA study.
  • Prior to the study, the participants completed the following:
    • Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale (GAD-7)
    • Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)
    • Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire (Q-LES)
  • They also accomplished the questionnaires at program completion.
  • The patients reported alcohol, tobacco, and drug use before starting the program, at its completion, and during their three- and six-month follow-ups.
  • Researchers also considered factors such as initial drug test result and criminal history, among others, against their potential to complete the study.
  • They found that patients who identified as non-white and had tested positive in their initial drug test were more likely to complete NADA-complemented therapy.
  • In the control group, those with a criminal history a higher percentage of failing to complete the program.
  • NADA-complemented therapy was linked to positive Q-LES scores, feeling better about oneself and improved energy, increased likelihood of employment upon, and decreased alcohol use based on data from three- and sixth-month follow-up. In particular, those in the NADA group reported decreased tobacco use after six months.

In sum, NADA protocol, combined with traditional therapy, can potentially improve treatment outcomes for substance abuse.

Read the full text at this link.

Journal Reference:

Carter K, Olshan-Perlmutter M, Marx J, Martini J, Cairns S. NADA EAR ACUPUNCTURE: AN ADJUNCTIVE THERAPY TO IMPROVE AND MAINTAIN POSITIVE OUTCOMES IN SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT. Behavioral Sciences. 2017;7(4):37. DOI: 10.3390/bs7020037


By Ralph Flores
(Source: naturalnews.com; June 26, 2019; http://tinyurl.com/y4n83obg)
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