Distant healing and the human energy field

One of the basic teachings of healing with Reiki is that we are more than our physical bodies. We also have an energy body made up of our aura (energy fields), the chakras (energy centers) and the meridians (energy pathways.) Like our physical body that takes in food to nourish it and give it energy, our energy body does the same. The energy fields take energy in, the chakras break it down, and the meridians distribute it throughout the body.

Our body is comprised of energy vibrating at different speeds. Our physical body, our thoughts, emotions, and our spiritual center, all vibrate at a particular frequency or speed. These varying vibrations or pulsations create a field around them which are often referred to as our aura or energy field. The aura is an information center and a highly perceptual system that transmits and receives messages from the external and internal environment.

Each energy layer appears different and has its own individual function. Yet, they continuously interpenetrate each other as well as the physical body. These fields can be felt through touch. It is what we perceive or sense when we scan with our hands.

The Etheric Field is the first layer of our energy body and is ¼ to 2 inches from the body. It is the energy duplicate of the physical body.

The Emotional Field is where we experience feelings. It extends about 1 to 3 inches beyond the physical body. The Mental Field is associated with thoughts and mental processes. It can be sensed 3 to 8 inches from the body. The Spiritual Field is made up of four or more layers, which help us relate to our higher self and spiritual dimensions. It is activated when we meditate, pray or channel. It extends 6" to 2' beyond our physical body. These energy fields are also referred to as our four levels of being; or our physical, mental, emotional spiritual selves.

Here are some ways to enhance a distant Reiki session using the energy fields or four levels of being.

First, empower your hands and chakras with the Usui power symbol. Then give yourself Reiki for 10-15 minutes.

Then invoke or visualize the distant healing symbol and say its name three times. Visualize the person you will be sending Reiki to. Intend to send Reiki to each level of being for 10-20 minutes.

To send Reiki to their physical level of being, imagine that the Reiki enters their crown chakra. Then it goes inside their body and slowly and gently fills them up. As they become filled with Reiki energy, all of their body organs and parts are bathed in Reiki. Then the energy begins to radiate out from their physical body. Imagine that they are glowing with healing energy. See them expanded and their first energy layer filled.

Then send Reiki to their emotional being. Imagine that they are filled with peace, joy, love, contentment and overall well being. Imagine that the glow from their physical body now extends out into their emotional level.

Next, send Reiki to their mental being. Intend that their thoughts are clear and calm. Imagine that their brain is working so that thoughts flow easily, and are well thought out, Imagine that solutions to perplexing problems come easily. Imagine that worry gently flows out of their body. As all these troubling thoughts leave their body, Reiki fills up and extends out into their mental level.

Then send Reiki to their spiritual being. Imagine that Reiki comes in and fills up and restores their spirit….their essence…their soul. Imagine it as a beautiful golden flow of energy that is a direct link to the higher realms. Imagine that guidance flows in and that they are directly connected to the source, whatever they believe that to be. Intend that the Reiki energy reconnects them to the divine within them and reignites their flame. See them filled with spiritual energy that extends out beyond all the other levels of their being.

You can also do this by having a conversation with the person before you send Reiki. You can address each level of being by asking questions before the session. For the physical body you can ask them how they are feeling? Are they having any discomfort or pain?

For the emotional body, you can ask how they are feeling emotionally. Is there something that is making them feel happy or something that is making them feel sad?

Then ask if they have too much on their mind or are worried about something? Does their head feel like it is ready to explode?

To address the spiritual level, ask how their spirit feels? Do they experience the sacredness of everyday life or is everyday just another day? Do they feel alone and unprotected in the world?

Before you are ready to begin sending Reiki, ask them to allow the Reiki energy to heal and address all of their levels of being. Ask them to allow themselves to receive this healing energy.

Then send Reiki for 10-20 minutes to each level of being and intend that the Reiki go to the issues, thoughts, or feelings that you discussed.

After the session is finished, let them rest. Visualize a power symbol over them and seal the session with light and love. Do dry bathing (Kenyoku) to disconnect from their energy field. Give yourself Reiki for a few minutes. You can call them afterwards to see what they experienced and share what you sensed.

Then end with gratitude for the gift of Reiki.


By Kathie Lipinski RN / Holistic Nurse

Kathie Lipinski RN, is a holistic nurse in private practice on Long Island, NY. She can be reached at [email protected].

(Source: reiki.org; November 15, 2017; http://tinyurl.com/cnxysbr)
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