Cure for warts! The banana peel home remedy

Didn't think the ol' banana peel had any uses? Think again! Banana peels gets rid of warts (including plantar's warts) and when toasted to a crisp, gives roses and other flowers a huge boost of potassium to help them flower. Gardeners swear by it!

How it works:
Loads of potassium in the banana peel.

Banana Peel Wart Removal Treatment

Rub the inside of a little piece of a banana peel on your wart every night. You should see results from this warts treatment within one to two weeks.

Application Tips

Posted by Benji (Acity, Hi) on 12/09/2009

banana peel wart remedy

i came back here to tell the story of how a banana peel cured my wart while nothing else could, but i was amazed to see how many people got to it before me. so instead id like to answer a question i see repeated over and over about the application of the peel.

i think its safe to say that it doesnt really matter how you apply it to the wart. so long as the banana peel gets to touch your wart at least for a few seconds. the chemicals in the peel are EXTREMELY effective against warts. (well some/most warts)

also i believe the chemicals are most potent when the banana is still very unripe. im lucky enough to have a banana tree growing right outside my door, so i cut off a banana that had another month to grow and used the inside of its tiny green peel under a bandaid. i saw a reduction in size and little "hairs" poking out in just 12 hours! compared to other people who say 1-2 days.

this just goes to show you the simplest and safest answers are given to you by nature.

Application Tips

Posted by Jack (Santa Barbara, CA) on 05/02/2009

An easy way to apply the banana is to scrape the inside of the peel with a small screw-driver or something else with a blade a little wider than the wart. The scrapings can be applied as a poultice, as opposed to rubbing the banana peel directly on the wart. This made the application of the peel to the warts much more convenient for me and I was able to leave the scrapings on the wart until they dried. That said, after several weeks the cure did not seem to be working so I moved on to using white vinegar, which completely cured me in about two weeks. There are about 100 different types of warts so perhaps that explains the apparent lack of effect of the banana cure on my particular variety. I had used salicylic acid for about 4 months before trying either cure and while it removed the wart the wart kept coming back from the roots.


By earthclinic

Natural Home Remedies Earth Clinic

(Source:; June 23, 2018;
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