Cancer full moon on Thursday, January 12th: a critical crossroads

On Thursday January 12th, 2017 we will be experiencing a Full Moon in the sign of Cancer, which brings about a critical crossroads, and perhaps some rather turbulent personal challenges.

Thursday is actually named after the Norse god Thor, who is the hammer-wielding god of thunder and lightning. With the Full Moon also being Cancer, the crab, this sign bubbles up some emotional feelings and negative energies such as pessimism, moodiness, and codependency – creating the perfect storm for a somewhat chaotic moon.

“I have seen many storms in my life. Most storms have caught me by surprise, so I had to learn very quickly to look further and understand that I am not capable of controlling the weather, to exercise the art of patience and to respect the fury of nature.” – Paulo Coelho

While every month the Full Moon is our reminder to shed light on darkness, and illuminate where there is room for improvement – this particular time around may feel a bit more critical. Critical in that its beyond the point of wanting to change what no longer serves you, but now you have to. This is the opportunity to give pause, and to look the all the bad stuff that has yet to be resolved in the face, and to let that sh*t go, for good.

If you’re feeling particularly moody, or pessimistic – dig deep as to why, and once the lesson reveals itself, give it gratitude and release the energy from your aura.

“All is within yourself. Know your most inward self and look for what corresponds with it in nature.” – Egyptian proverb

Once you do this, you’ll be able to regroup, and refocus – and perhaps look toward the more positive energies within the astrological energies of Cancer, which include creativity, loyalty, generosity, and spontaneity. This cosmic storm will pass, and the Aquarian New Moon on January 27th will bring about a sense of balance, liberation, and flow.


By Jennifer Sodini / Creator of Evolve and Ascend

Jennifer Sodini is a talented and eclectic creative entrepreneur. The term eclectic by definition means deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources; that flat description merely scratches the surface of where Jennifer’s inspirations and her multifaceted abilities come from.

Jennifer has an innate gift to perceive beyond what is visibly seen. A born empath and spiritual intuitive, Jennifer has devoted herself to understanding the nature of reality, life, death, dimensions and consciousness. Her writings and endeavors reflect that goal.

She founded the website in 2013, and her most recent project,, in April, 2016. Jennifer is currently in the midst of writing a book, and screenplay for a feature film.

(Source:; January 11, 2017;
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