California SB 276 passes - citizens arrested for protesting

Governor Newsom signed SB276 and SB714 yesterday in Sacramento. Medical exemptions allowed across the nation to protect children are now verboten in the Golden State.  Doctors are no longer able to practice preventive medicine, they must practice pharma medicine or face punishment.  We are so sorry. Your children's health no longer belongs to you and your doctor.  Our nation was founded on protests. Some peaceful. Some not so peaceful. LA is no stranger to riots. There were arrests. Please, if you are in California, chime in in our comments.  To California pediatricians and family doctors, WHERE ARE YOU? How could you let this happen to your peers? Your patients?


 KCRA: Sacramento, CA: Entrances were blocked and proceedings were delayed at the California Capitol on Monday as people protested legislation that would limit medical exemptions for vaccines.

Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the bills -- Senate Bill 276 and Senate Bill 714 -- into law Monday evening.

The protests took place Monday morning and then later in the day during state Senate proceedings.

At a time when lawmakers and staff members were typically arriving at the Capitol, the protesters moved in. Hundreds of demonstrators, some of whom traveled from cities outside Sacramento, converged to urge Gov. Gavin Newsom to not sign SB 276 and the companion measure, SB 714.

The bills are meant to clamp down on school vaccine exemptions. SB 276 would allow public health officials to investigate doctors who grant more than five medical exemptions in a year and schools with vaccination rates of less than 95%. SB 714 addresses some concerns raised by Newsom's office, including a phase-out period for medical exemptions similar to one allowed when California eliminated personal belief vaccine exemptions in 2015.  Read more here from KCRA3.

The LA Times reported:

California will enact sweeping new restrictions on medical exemptions for vaccines under bills signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday, despite near-constant protests in the state Capitol that resulted in arrests after opponents blocked entrances to the statehouse and temporarily shut down legislative sessions.


(Source:; September 10, 2019;
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